Nineteen : Helena

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We were finally on home. I was so excited to see Shadow and my parents and Hannah and Brayden. Even if she wouldn't admit it, Bethany was excited as well. She stayed for the whole movie when we watched Hercules for our family movie night.

I still had to go back to school the next day, though. Which at first wasn't fun but it got better as the day went on. In third period we were assigned to write a paragraph in french about what we did in Paris.

I wrote:
J'ai eu toute l'aventure à Paris. J'aimerais vraiment y retourner un jour. J'ai visité la tour Eiffel plusieurs fois au cours du voyage. J'ai surpris ma meilleure amie dans sa relation secrète, je regarde la romance de mon autre meilleur ami s'épanouir, je me suis rapproché de ma sœur et j'ai ravivé une amitié plus ancienne. J'ai visité le musée de lourve, essayé de nouveaux aliments et suis devenu plus à l'aise en français. Je suis si heureux d'y être allé et j'ai hâte de parcourir le monde avec mes amis à l'avenir. (a/n I have no idea how accurate this is because I used google translate.)

It translates to:

I had an amazing adventure in Paris. I would really like to go back there some day. I visited the Effiel Tower several times during the trip. My best friend surprised me with a secret relationship, watched my other best friend's romance blossom, got closer to my younger sister, and rekindled an older friendship. I visited the Lourve Museum, tried new foods, and became more fluent in french. I'm so happy I went and I can't wait to travel more of the world in the future.

I kept it nice and short but still covered most things.

Now that the trip is over, life seems to go by a lot slower. Nothing new has happened. My life is boring now, just like my parents'.

Bethany walked into my room unannounced. Weird. I looked up at her. She didn't say anything. I sighed before talking.

"Can I help you?" I questioned.

"Do you wanna hang out today?" She asked.

"Um.. sure?" I replied, weirded out by her behavior. This reminds me of the time she held me hostage in her room a few years ago on my birthday.

"Okay, great! We are leaving in five minutes so be ready!" She exclaimed and hurried out of my room.

"Wait! Where are we going?" I called after her.

"It's a surprise!" She called back. I sighed and set my phone on my desk and walked to my closet to get a hoodie and my sneakers. I quickly brushed through my brown hair, as it had gotten tangled since I brushed it a few hours ago, and pulled it into a ponytail to keep it from getting messy during our little outing.

I grabbed my phone and my keys and met Bethany out by my truck.

"Okay, now you have to tell me where we are going because I'm driving." I insisted.

"Alright, fine. First, take me to Starbucks." She instructed. We drove to Starbucks and she ordered and I paid.

"Okay, why did we have to go Starbucks?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, that wasn't part of the hang out. I just wanted Starbucks." Bethany said.

"You know what, I'm not even going to start that conversation." I decided. "Now, where is our actual stop?"

"The park."

The park? Bethany doesn't even like the park, I thought. Nevertheless, I didn't say anything and drove us to the park.

"So..." I started.

"So..." Bethany mimicked. "Just ask the question idiot."

"Okay, jeez. Anyway, what are we gonna do here? Because last time I checked, you hated the park."

"I do, but this isn't for me," She muttered.

"What—" I got cut off when she climbed out of the truck and closed the door. This is going to be and interesting day.

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