Seven : Helena

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We just stayed at the hotel for the rest of the day so that we could rest from our trip. I've never really understood that because you are in a plane or a car or whatever all day so you'd probably be a little stir crazy and then moving around would sound a lot more appealing. I'm probably a little cray since everyone else is happy and comfortable with the way things are.

  "Wanna go to the pool?" Layla asked.

"Not really." I responded.

"What do you mean 'not really?' You're always the one wanting to go." Skylar asked suspiciously. Layla gasped.

"Are you meeting up with your boyfriend?" Layla questioned in a high pitched voice.

"One, Peter is not my boyfriend. Two, I know, and three I just don't feel like going to the pool right now. Plus, if we get caught we could be in trouble for the rest of the trip and I don't want that." I reasoned.

"Bethany lied." Skylar announced out of no where.

"What?! What do you mean she lied?" I questioned.

"I mean she lied, idiot. It does not take 20 minutes to get a snack from the vending machine down the hall." Skylar reasoned.

"She could've went to see some of her friends." I defended.

"You're right actually," Layla said, showing us her phone. "And one of them posted about how much fun they're having."

"Ooo. Someone is busted." Skylar added.

"So are we going to the pool now?" Layla asked.

"You better bet we are," I said very irritated. I really hoped she'd just lay low on the trip I have to babysit her on but of course that's not how Bethany is. "Let me go get my shoes. I'll meet you both outside."

I slipped on my flipflops, grabbed my phone and the room key and left. Skylar and Layla started walking down the hall while I made sure that the door locked. I turned around and there was Peter. He lifted his finger to his lips motioning for me to be quiet and looked at the two girls, whom were already halfway down the hall. Peter grabbed my free hand and pulled me in the opposite direction.

He lead me to the stairs since the girls were taking the elevator and pulled me along with him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Surprise." He responded shortly with a mishchevious hint in his voice. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the smile that grew on my lips. He was still dragging me along until we were standing outside and catching our breath but he still had a tight grip on my hand.

"I didn't bring my wallet." I chuckled at his silliness.

"That's alright. You won't need it." He responded before tugging me along again. Soon, I realized, we stopped. I looked around before I recognized the area. I had a small bulliten board with pictures of Paris plastered all over it. I slowly looked up, my heart filled with hope.

"You didn't!" I exclaimed. "I'm dreaming. I know it. And I'm going to wake up and be all disappointed."

"I promise you, you aren't dreaming. This is really real." I thought for a minute.

"Can we go to the top?"

"Of course." Peter's smile grew. I smirked.

"Race you there!"

"You're on!"

"Ready.... Set.... Goooo....!" We yelled in unison.  When we finally got to the top, I almost collapsed and we were both out of breath. I leaned on Peter slightly and he didn't seem to mind. All the sudden my phone started going off. I checked caller ID and it read Mama.

"I have to take this. It's my mom." I said before answering. "Hey Mama." I answered, still gasping for breath.

"Hey... are you all right? You're breathing really heavily." My mom responded.

"You think?" I sassed. "Yea, I'm alright. I just raced my friend up the stairs."

"Why didn't you just take the elevator?" she asked.

"Because the stairs are more fun. It's one o'clock there though, so do you need something?"

"Well it's nine there. Anyway, nevermind that. How is the trip so far?"

"It's pretty good. I'm having a lot of fun."

"Can I talk to Bethany now? She's not answering her phone."

"She's actually at the pool with Skylar and Layla. I'll get her to call you when she gets back though."

"But you said—"

"Oh. Mom. You're cutting out." I cut her off. "I'll just call your tomorrow. Love you bye." I hung up. "I won." I gave Peter a lopsided grin.

"No I was definitely the one that won." He argued playfully. After bickering for a few more minutes, we just sat and studied the view.

"Thank you for taking me here. I really needed this." I acknowledged, laying my head on his shoulder.

"You're welcome." After a few moments of silence, he asked, "What's on your mind?"

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