Twenty : Helena

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We hung out at the park for about fifteen minutes and nothing happened. I was still wondering why we were there because Bethany doesn't do anything without a reason. Suddenly, Bethany jumped up.

"Finally!" She exclaimed and ran off to a car. I followed me her but I walked instead of ran. The person rolled down their window and Bethany talked to them real quick before running back to me, grabbing my arm, and pulling me the opposite way.

"Bethany, stop." I said firmly and planted my feet into the ground.

"What is it?" She asked with an attitude.

"Stop acting like this. I don't like it. Act normal or I'm going home." I stated, sternly.

"Okay, just follow me." She insisted. I sighed but followed her over to the other side of the park. Man, this park is huge. "Now, stay here because I've got to go to the bathroom."

"Well, why didn't you go before we ran all the way over here?" I asked but she was already gone. l sat down on a bench and sat there for a few minutes.

"Hey," I squealed in surprise at the sudden familiar voice.

"Oh hi Peter." I chuckled nervously from embarrassment.

"So, I had this question so I planned out all the details and bought all this stuff to help me with the question and I also planned out how the conversation would go perfectly. Then, I got super nervous and accidentally ruined most of the stuff I was going to use, so then—"

"Peter just get to the point." I cut off his ramble.

"I, um, wanted to ask, if you would maybe want to go out sometime? Like a date as girlfriend and boyfriend?" He asked hopefully. I beamed at him. I was shocked. I just got asked out and asked to be his girlfriend all in the same conversation.

"Really? This isn't a prank?" I double checked.

"Nope, I'm serious."

"Then I'd love to!" I said happily and kissed his cheek.

"Oi! You didn't follow the script!" I yelped and jumped in surprise at the sudden voice. I turned around to see Layla, Skylar, and Bethany.

"Oh so this is what we came to the park for.." I mumbled as it all clicked. "YOU  COULD'VE GAVE  ME  A  HEADS  UP  BETHANY!!" I yelled.

"Yeah, well it's too late now." She said and walked off. Skylar and Layla followed her, shaking their heads.

"Guess we aren't fifth and sixth wheels anymore." I said, turning back towards Peter. He grinned at me and gave me a big hug.

"Guess we aren't."

A/n: I know it's short but it was a good one right?

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