When Shadows Come Knocking

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero.

Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lilly came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure

"doctor where we going today"

"anywhere you like lilly "

Said the doctor while getting up and walking up the step with a smile, she smiled back and they looked into each others eye and where about to kiss.

When Charlotte came up the step and said while looking up to see them standing away from each other

" you OK what wrong"

"no its fine my love just thinking about where to go "

Said the doctor while trying to lie to her he never done that so this was a first for him, Charlotte looked at him in the eyes and slaped him across the face

" you nearly kissed lilly what are you like do you love me doctor because it is not feel that way "

" I do I'm sorry I really am please forgive me "

Said the doctor while holding her hand but she was having none of it so she walked off and beamed herself out of the tardis Violet came down the stairs and wondered where Charlotte was

" where Charlotte "

" she gone I lost her again "

Said the doctor while sitting on his chair with his head in his hands Violet walked to him and said while putting her hands on the beam button

" I'm your daughter by the way Jenny but regenerate I better go to before you hate me to "

"what but you told me Jenny was dead "

Said lilly while looking up at him with a angry look on her face the doctor could not believe what he was hearing Jenny was alive and was violet this day could not get any worse he looked at lilly with a frown wondering what to say

" well she died a long time ago I did not know she regenerate what do we do"

"I guess let them both calm down and then we go and get them back "

Said lilly while thinking it was best to let thing chill before anything was done the doctor noded and they went to have a coffee on earth and waited for things to blow over.

But as they did that in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday.

A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box Charlotte was standing near the console room trying not to cry as they beamed out of Peter tardis she put the beam in he own tardis that was in London for the time being.

She could not stop herself from crying this was the worst day ever and she knew this day was coming as she seen it before but she could not believe it was happening now.

As she cryed into the button and leavers Harry came in with a girl with ear phone around her back of her neck and was wearing a shirt and top her hair was ginger and had a little rose in it Harry runs to his mum and said while wondering what wrong

"mum you ok what wrong"

"lilly the doctor they in love oh hello sorry I'm Charlotte pleased to meet you who are you anyway "

Said Charlotte while wiping her tears while standing up to look at the women standing there smiling she put her hand out and she shock it with a smile

" hello I'm blaze I heard so much about you Harry told me so much "

" oh I bet he did well it's good to meet you blaze stay back I can hear something sounds like a knock but there only a shadow there "

Said Charlotte while looking behind them to see a shadow knocking on the tardis door blaze held onto Harry as Charlotte walked to the door the noise was getting louder

And Violet was really worried about Charlotte so she pulled the leaver and they moved near big Ben, Charlotte turned round and wondered what was that for

" um what was that for"

"I was saving your life Charlotte we don't know who they are "

Said Violet while walking towards her telling her why she did it charlotte thanked her and they all walked outside and they headed to a cafe round the corner

But what they did not notice was a shadow coming closer to the tardis knocking the door again and again who is this shadow and what dose it want least find out.

As they walked to the cafe a few miles away from where the tardis was the doctor and lilly where sitting in a cafe sipping  some tea.

The doctor was making jokes and lilly was gigged at each one  she looked over to see Charlotte and the others she takes the doctor shoulder and told him he had to tell her

" you have to tell her your sorry about what happened"

"OK I go thanks lilly "

Said the doctor while walking over to Charlotte and held her hand and said while telling her how sorry he was

" I'm so sorry Charlotte for everything I done I'm do sorry "

" Peter I love you so much I really do thank for your apologies but I should be apologise to I should not have snaped that bad I'm sorry "

Said Charlotte while hugging him he pulled away and kissed her and closed his eyes glad to have her back , he pulled back and smiled at her and took her hand and he was about to walk to the tardis.

When he saw blaze smiling at him he frowned and he carried on walking to the tardis but when they got their the shadow where surrounding the tardis Charlotte walked towards them and wonder who they where

"who are you"

"the spider and we back ". 

Back in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday a blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth.

Outside the tardis the spiders had apeard after looking like shadow and where ready for their revenge Harry walked over to them wonder what they wanted he never seen them before but he heard lots of story's about them so he knew what his mum would do in this situation

"your the spiders I heard about you my mum defeat you lots of time so what do you want"

"her power and your mum was dead she not alive "

Said the spiders while thinking she was dead, Charlotte walked over to them and stood near her son defending him

" you think I'm alien and I'm back and nothing is going to make me change my mind"

"you think your lilly got a secret for you so dose your doctor haha "

Said the spiders while waiting for the right time so they could get her power by lieing to her and using things they Sean to their advantage, Charlotte walked over to lilly and wonder if there was a secret that we did not see or she saw

" so is it true do you have something to tell me"

"I'm sorry Charlotte me and the doctor kissed after you where dead no one saw or or knew about it I'm sorry "

Said lilly while putting her hands on her shoulder Charlotte pulled away from her and walked to the dalek holding her hands out

" take me I'm not going to stay where I'm not wanted "

" so be it beam her up "

Said the spider as they beam her up, the doctor could not believe this was happening he just lost his Charlotte and he did not know what to do but Violet walked to him and pushed him after what he just did

" you just killed her doctor what you done "

" what going on "

Said Kate  while walking  over from the car

" um what you doing here "

" well I heard something happens so I came as fast as I could what going on "

Said Kate while wondering what going on as he saw Charlotte was not there and the doctor was really angry at this point so he knew something happened.

Blaze walked in front of all of them and said while looking at bridge wondering who he was and telling him what happend

"well the spider took her and who are you anyway"

"I'm Kate from unit and oh no come on least go and save her right doctor "

Said kate while looking at the doctor while telling blaze who he was the doctor noded and they went into the tardis and wized off to find Charlotte and to make sure she was OK but they where wrong.

As they travel to find Charlotte meanwhile up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the spider ship.

The ship was hovering near the moon ready for it next attack on the earth and destroy the world as you zoom in to the ship you could see Charlotte in one of the conversations room she was tied up to a chair with straps around her hands and feet, she tried to get out but there was no way out

"hello anyone there doctor I love you please come"

"no one is going to save you now its time to change you what that noise "

Said one of the spiders as they come into the conversation chamber ready to change her when they heard a loud noise in the background.

They looked round to see the tardis landing on the ground the spiders hiss and they stood in front of Charlotte to watch as the door opens and the doctor came out holing his sonic in his hand

" I'm the doctor and my wife is my world you leave her alone"

"you can't stop me alone "

Said the spider while looking the doctor in the eye as it ready itself to fight the doctor beamed and stepped aside so the ready of the tardis team came out,

" he not alone he got us "

" go team "

Said  Charlotte while smiling away they all scream and they all destroy the spider and save charlotte the doctor lowerd his head with shame as he was sorry about what happened

" I'm sorry Charlotte "

" matt your are  my doctor no matter what I love you "

Said Charlotte while kissing him on the cheek and smiled at him, he lifted his head up and smiled and took her hand and they all headed back to the tardis blaze turned to Harry and wonder if it was like this all the time

" is it like this all the time"

"yeah a bit but we get ust to it come on least go "

Said Harry while talking her hand and they walked together into the tardis and travel to their next adventure through time and space.

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