Mind Control

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the cyber ship, the ship was hovering near the moon ready for it next attack on the earth and destroy the world.

As you zoom inside the ship francesca was really angry about what happened last time but she was glad as she walk towards the status of Charlotte in a block of ice

"I finally got Charlotte under my power and this is the best day ever and also I have got the three other doctor under my belt now missy we must controle them you and the master help me with that"

She nods and the master joins her and they pull the leaver and all the doctor and Charlotte all come unfrozen and come out with red eye

"we serve francesca and destroy the world"

"well done now least destroy the doctor "

Said the master and missy together while looking at them all standing there ready to fight the doctor and his team,.

They all nod and they head to a cargo shop and they headed to London as they did that a few miles away from the ship the tardis was hovering above earth at its protector and hero.

Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lilly came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"so doctor where we going today"

"yeah doctor where we going "

Said Harry while coming down the step with Violet who was carrying a book in her hand they been through so much together and they lost so much to.

But Violet knew even though Charlotte had gone they where going to make the most of what they had, the doctor smiled and pulled the leaver and looked at them

" how about London"

They all nod and they headed to London as fast as they could for their next adventure through time and space,meanwhile in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday.

A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor pulled the leaver down and ram to the door,

"ready for our next adventure"

"yes we are doctor least go "

Said lilly while holding his hand and they headed outside the door and started to look around bit as all seamed normal they see a cargo ship flying across the sky

" what was that doctor "

" look like a cargo shop come on least follow it "

Said the doctor while looking up at the sky wondering what a cargo ship was going here so they head to where it going to have a look at it, when they got there smoke was coming out of it Violet frowned and wonder who was in it

" hello anyone in there hello "

The door opens and Charlotte, the tenth doctor, ninth doctor and the eleventh doctor came out the other looked at them with shock wondering what going on

" Charlotte hang on what going on "

" we work for francesca and you be destroy ". 

In America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where along the path with umbrella to protect them from the rain.

A few miles away from the city a building with the unit  logo on it  as you walk into the building the hole place was full of corridor leading to different places within the building as you walk up the stairs the tardis was parked near the step.

The tenth doctor was standing outside the tardis while looking at Charlotte who was talking to her team he smiled and walked over to her to take them on a adventure through time and space

"so Charlotte where would you like to go"

But before Charlotte could say anything francesca came out of nowhere and freezes the doctor and Charlotte and beans away the unit team.

" what was that we got to go after them come on"

Jack smiled and they took their vans  and they headed to save the doctor and his team, as they did that a few few miles away in the ocean stood the torchwood building that look like a city in the town bellow.

John was walking along the hall and oast the tardis that was parked in one of the rooms he walked in to see the ninth coming out he smiled and wonder what he doing

"you OK doctor what you up to"

"ah John nice to see you now I'm here to have a look around I heard so much about this place so I thought I have a look "

Said the doctor while closing the door, and they headed outside the door and started to walk down the hall but as they got to the controle room francesca apears and freeze him and beam him up and leave John in shock so he ran to the teloport and headed to earth to save the doctor.

As he did that back in America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where along with umbrella to protect them from the rain.

A few miles away from the city was torchwood three the hole building was surrounded by wire and guards protecting the building and people inside.

As you go inside the hole place was full of corridor leading to different places within the building as you walk down the hall the eleventh doctor was walking with Jake and martha  and they where heading to the teloport to go on another adventure

"so where we going today"

"humm I think we going to a new planet the machine found today "

Said martha  while showing them what planet they going to, but when they headed a bit further francesca freezes the Doctor an beams him up and martha and Jake head through the teloport to find the doctor but will they save him before it to late least find out. 

End of flash back 

Back in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday a blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth.

A few miles away from the tardis Charlotte, tenth doctor, ninth doctor and eleventh doctor where standing there pointing there sonic at them the twelve doctor walked to Charlotte and touched her cheek as he knew he has lost Charlotte forever now and he can't change it

"please Charlotte don't hurt us I know you and I know what you capable of and I love you so much"

"you don't know me your just a coward and you die under my hand, hello who there "

Said Charlotte while pushing the doctor while looking round as she just heard something she shrugged and turned back to the doctor and his friends and pointed her sonic at him

" get ready to die "

" stop Charlotte its not you "

Said sky as they all teloprts to save the day

" we protect you doctor don't worry Charlotte remember who you where please "

" don't tell her who she is she Charlotte but under francesca control "

Said the eleventh doctor while stepping by the side of Charlotte holding her hand the 19th doctor stepped towards her and touched her face

" mind out doctor "

" I will John don't worry Charlotte I bring you back and I hope you be alive to travel with me again "

Said the doctor while kissing her on the lips sparks fly as the three other doctor fall onto the ground Jack ran  to the eleventh doctor and tapped his shoulder to wake him up

" doctor you ok wake up sleepy head"

"what happed Jack where are we "

Said the eleventh doctor while getting up to see Charlotte in the 19th  doctor arms after finishing kissing, he walks to her and touched her head

" is she ok"

"I hope so "

Said 19 while looking down at Charlotte who was asleep in his arms as they looked down at her John walked to the ninth doctor and Jack  walked to tenth doctor to see if they OK

" doctor you ok "

" ow John what happens we are in London OK this is strange "

Said the ninth doctor while walking up to see that he in London wondering what going on as he looked around he saw Jack  taping the tenth doctor waking him up

" doctor wake up you ok"

"ow jack hello what happened hang on francesca, ice what is going on "

Said the tenth doctor while waking up to see the other doctor there near Charlotte he walked over to her and touched her head

" she cold is she ok"

"I don't know least get her back in the tardis "

Said the 19th  doctor while taking her back to the tardis Violet, lilly and Harry walked to the tardis and it disappear,.

The other doctor went back to their own time and hoped Charlotte will be OK and that they see her again and the 19th  doctor headed to their next adventure through time and space hoping Charlotte will be OK the next time they travel.

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