Tenth Doctor To The Rescue

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In London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday.

A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor was pulling the tardis leaver down and turned his back

" come on least go he want to be left alone"

The tenth doctor walked out of the tardis with everyone eles and they watch as the tardis disappeared lilly walked to tenth doctor and wonder what they going to do now

"what we going to now doctor"

"we travel for Charlotte come on least go "

Said the tenth doctor while walking to his tardis the other followed and they travel through time and space to their next adventure through time and space.

As they did that on a desert island in the middle of the ocean the tardis landed on the sand and foot print led away from the tardis towards a hut a few miles away.

The doctor frowned and looked at it and walked in to see fruit onthe table he smiled and sat down on the chair leaning back but then he see a picture on the wall.

He walked towards the painting on the wall he looks at the painting with a frown on his face he see Charlotte in the painting he bows his head with a tear to his eye

"I'm sorry Charlotte I love you I'm sorry"

"you did nothing wrong my love "

Said a ghost of Charlotte that apeard out of nowhere, he turned to her and smiled trying to touch her cheek but he could not

" you not really here it's just a dream right this can't be real"

"I am here to tell you I don't blaim you for what happened don't just give up your dreams "

Said Charlotte while smiling at him telling him she forgave him and he always loved him and she did not blaim him for what happened, the doctor looked at the pictures and did not know what to do

" I just can't save the world without you "

" you have to my love please "

Said Charlotte while disappearing he looked over his shoulder to see that she disappeared he sigh and looks at the picture

" I want to save the world but how can I love without you "

He looked away and sits back in his chair and thinks about what he just Sean and thinking about saving the world but will he least find out

Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero.

Inside the box the tenth doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lilly came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"doctor you ok sorry about this about the other doctor not saving the world and you coming back for thease adventure"

"it's OK lilly it's not your fault anyway where would you like to go today "

Said the doctor while finishing his work and walking up the step and smiled at her, blaze came in and smiled at them

" hello you two love birds what we up to today"

"yeah step dad what we going to do "

Said Harry while smiling at them kate  had gone back to unit  after last time but the doctor still had the dream team back and he hoped that the other doctor would come back.

But as it seamed that last time he was quiting for good it seamed to be all over but he knew the other doctor could not resist the temptation of saving the world he just knew it.

As they all thought about where they going to go for their trip a few miles away from the tardis a dalek ship was in orbit inside the ship francesca was back again to plot another plan to destroy the doctor again properly not for the last time that for sure.

She smiled at the dalek and said while walking down to look out at the window to see the tardis there you can probably guess where this is going can't you lol

"so the tardis is back that doctor huh seams like he never go away now this time we capture blaze she has the necklace of power and it will be mine"

She started to laugh and they sent a cargo ship to track the tardis as they did that back at the tardis lilly was about to pull the leaver to their next adventure when they heard a noise outside.

They walked to the door opens it and the dakek where right outside firing at the blaze got her sonic put and went to the door

"leave the doctor alone you monster"

"let her go blaze I save you ok I promise "

Said the doctor watching blaze get taken away and the door closed as they moved away from them and went into soace

," what we going to do now"

"we rescue her Harry and save the world "

Said the doctor while turning to them both and they followed the dalek ship to where ever they are going meanwhile on the ship blaze found herself tied to a chair her hair over her face as like she was hit from behind she lifted it up and looked around not knowing where she was

"where am I hello doctor, Charlotte, anyone please help me hello anyone there"

"ah blaze what a surprise the one with the necklace with the stone you did not thing I would remember did you the stone of the time mermaid the legend but aparently Charlotte gave it to you so where is it"

Said francesca while walking in smiling  away she knew she made the stone but what was special about this one well when the doctor was given it when kara was asleep.

The stone had power that was not seen by anyone in the universe not even the time Lord so this was the one thing she could use against the Doctor and his friends.

Blaze looked at her confused as she did not know anything about this but she kind of remembered the time she gave it to her but must have forgotten it somehow

"you mean this thing I did not even know I had it francesca"

"well that usefull to know "

Said francesca while pointing the necklace to blaze who changed into a evil mermaid

" the power of the stone is mine bow before me"

"my lady the doctor want your world you must stop him "

Said francesca while kneeling down in front of her smiling up at her, she lower her staff and turned to her

" yes my world I must protect it I be back"

And she disappeared into a bubble and went to the tardis, as she did that back in the tardis lilly smiled and was about to land the tardis in the dakek space ship when the door opens and blaze cane in

" blaze you ok on no she evil now really why this always happen "

Said Violet while coming down the stairs yawning after sleeping for a long time as she had a cold Harry smiled and took her hand and they all joined together watching the doctor do his magic

" I'm sorry blaze please forgive me "

And he put his hands on her head and wiped her momories

" why did you do that"

"I had to she would have killed up lilly "

Said the doctor while sitting the floor next to blaze body really sad after what happened so Harry pulled the leaver and they went to take blaze home, meanwhile on the ship

" ahh that doctor always ruins my plans least I have the necklace nothing can stop us and no one hagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah "

And the dalek ship disappeared into the distant waiting for the last or second to last time they see the doctor before his regeneration and they went back.

In London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday.

A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth, outside the box the doctor was carrying blaze to her house when Harry walked beside him wondering if he OK

" you OK doctor"

"yeah I'm fine I lost Charlotte im not going to lose anyone else "

Said the doctor while smiling at him but his heart was full of sadness and loss, so they put blue in her bedroom and disappeared but when she woke up she heard a noise in the background and she frowned to herself.

And they headed to there normal lives as the tenth doctor took over intill the doctor gets back.

A few hours later

The doctor was sitting on the chair asleep with a book on his head lilly came up the doctor and tapped him on the shoulder as it was time to find the doctor so he could save the world

"so doctor are we going to save the world and get the other doctor back"

"oh yeah sorry lilly yes least go where Harry and Violet "

Said the doctor while looming up at her with a smile while wondering where they were, lilly looked around and was about to say something when Harry and Violet came up the step and smiled

" ah doctor you finally woke up have you sorry we late we been chatting we want to bring Charlotte back can we do that "

" what that impossible but we could try "

Said the doctor while standing near the leaver but Harry stopped him, he wanted his mum back more them anything but this was madness and it could damage the earth

" look doctor my mum is lost you have to move on doctor look I know you miss her so do I but you can't change minds "

" he right doctor you can't "

Said Violet while walking towards him telling him why he can't go back in time, the doctor kicked the console and sat in the chair putting his head in his hand

" I want to get her back I love her very much I can do anything I'm going to the past and save charlotte"

The doctor ran to the leaver and pulled it and they travel to the past to where they lost Charlotte to save her before she died, as they did that a few miles away from the tardis a cyber ship was hovering near Mars like a star in the sky.

Inside the ship the master and missy are back again and this time they with francesca who back for revenge with the stone from the time mermaid she placed it in the blaster and smiled

"this is the power of the stone feel it's power doctor and my revenge will be sweet hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha, activate the weapon "

" yes mam "

Said missy while pressing the button and the blaster send a ray to the tardis and flip  it to its side

" what happens doctor "

Said lilly while wondering what going on as she tried to get up as the tardis was on it side Violet looked at the door and saw it open a bit each time the tardis took a hit and the doors start to open.

"doctor the door going to open we can't stop it"

"oh grate if this day could not get any worse "

Said the doctor while going near the door to try and shut it but then another blast hit the tardis and the doctor fell out of the tardis putting his hands on the step of the tardis lilly and Violet ran to him and held their hand out so they could save him

"grab my hand doctor we don't want you to die"

The doctor tried to grab their hand but he kept on sliping trying not die or fall to earth, back on the ship francesca zoomed In to see the doctor hanging out of the tardis she smiled and turned to the master and missy

"press the button and destroy the doctor"

They nod and press the button and the blaster hit the tardis again and the doctor grabes lilly hand but then slips and falls to earth

"doctor no"

"hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah "

On the desert island the sun was shining like a gem in a stone the blue sky shone through the clouds onto the island bellow a few miles away from the beach the doctor was in his tardis playing his guitar when there was alarm on the tardis screen

"alarm doctor falling through sky alert alert"

"hum strange I better check this out "

Said the doctor while frowning at the screen so he pulled the leaver and heard up into space, as he did that meanwhile back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky.

The doctor was still falling through the sky when the other tardis appears and beams the doctor on board

"hello doctor you ok what happened"

"oh hello guitar man I got destroyed by francesca again and fell to earth you back to helping the world what changed your mind "

Said the tenth doctor while smiling at the doctor telling him what going on, the twelve smiled and looked at a picture of Charlotte that was on the wall telling the other doctor why he changed his mind

"well Charlotte made me change my mind her pictures I thought I do it for her and you need help so that why I came"

"well I'm glad you did now least save earth "

Said the tenth doctor while pulling g the leaver and they headed further into space, as they did that a few miles away from that tardis back to the other one Violet was trying to lift the tardis with help from Harry and lilly

" this is impossible we can't move it "

" we have to try we can't stay here long I hope the doctor is ok "

Said Harry while hoping the doctor was OK after what happened, but before they could say anything the alarm on the tardis started to flash on and off

" um there a message on here telling us another tardis is coming "

" is it the doctor "

Said lilly while operning the door to see the other tardis there she smiled and kind of ran to the other telling them what she saw

" the doctor is here they here to save us "

" that's good well least hope we can beat francesca "

Said Harry while wondering if they can beat francesca as she new they got the stone and that they using it for their revenge as they waited for the doctor.

In the cyber ship francesca see the other tardis there she frowned and hit the console with anger as she thought she destroy the doctor with the beam

"that doctor has beaten me for the last time fire the beam"

They both nod and fire the beam towards the other tardis but the doctor fires Charlotte locket at the the cyber ship and its wizes through space back on the other tardis lilly was about to say something when they all get beams to the other tardis to see the other doctor there

"doctor you back I'm so happy "

"me to I'm back and this time I do it for Charlotte and the world "

The  Doctor smiled and pulled the leaver and they headed to their next adventure through time and space, but what they did not notice francesca was still alive and the spiders ship was parked next to it

" this is not over doctor I will be back and this time I will have my revenge hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha haha ".

Two days later

In Cardiff the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where walking along with umbrella to protect them from the rain.

A few miles away from the city was the tardis it was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out.

When lilly came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"hey doctor where we going today"

"hello lilly I was thinking we could look round Cardiff with Violet and Harry "

Said the doctor while getting up after finishing the tardis and headed to the door

" hey doctor wait for us "

" yeah you don't want us to leave us behind "

Said Harry while walking to the doctor and lilly and they all walked out of the tardis and walked around Cardiff going on there new chapter of their new adventure, when they walk down the road they see someone on a horse riding towards them

" doctor is there a peraid going on doctor "

" I'm not sure lilly least have a look "

Said the doctor while they walked to the person on a horse when they see the horse Harry looks up at the person while stroking the horse

" hello miss is there a peraid today"

"no we just celebrated a new chapter in all our lives and I love riding so that why I'm here "

Said the person while getting off the horse taking her hat off and looked up

" Charlotte is that you but what how "

" what you talking about I am Charlotte but I don't recognise you i do riding lessons for children "

Said Charlotte while smiling at them while walking the horse as she walked away from them, the doctor ran to her and show her the locket

" this locket is the one you gave me when we got married I love you why don't you remember me"

"the locket you kept it all this time matt it's really you "

Said Charlotte while touching his cheek Harry smiled and said while turning to Violet and lill

" a new chapter and Charlotte back"

And he was wrong about one this it was a new chapter but it was not Charlotte and the doctor was going to find out in the most terrible way, so they all went to the cafe round the corner sep from Charlotte who was outside for a bit of fresh air when francesca came round the corner

"ah evil Charlotte how lovely my creation I made"

"yes my lady I'm ready to destroy the doctor "

Said Charlotte while getting her sonic out ready to destroy the doctor she smiled and watch as she went in and walked to the table where the doctor and the other where

" Charlotte you ok "

" Charlotte what you doing put the sonic down what wrong with you "

Said lilly while wondering what Charlotte is doing as she was pointing her sonic at the doctor, he looked at her with shock wondering what going on as he thought this was the real Charlotte the one person he loved so he walked to her and kissed her

" I love you Charlotte your not evil your my wife I love you more then anything "

She looks at him with a smile and fainted

" will she be OK doctor "

He  picked her up and sigh

" I hope so lilly least go home "

They all nod and they walk to the tardis and placed Charlotte on the chair the doctor kisses her on the head and smiles and pulled the leaver and they headed to their next adventure through time and space.

But as they left francesca was still near the cafe really angry about what just happened as she wanted more revenge then ever.

And she was angry to and she thought to herself she would do anything to destroy the doctor even if it meant destroy the world and the universe she would do it but will the doctor stop her least find out .

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