End Of A Era

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In London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday.

A few miles away from the city the tower of London stood on the path cars driving in and out secretly as you go in the building in the store room the fake Charlotte was sonicing the door it opens and it smiled and she walked out and started to go near the door and escape the alarms went off.

As she headed to one of the store room where the vortex manipulatar was she smiled and picked it up and put in a desternation and disappeared and ended up in a forest.

She got up to see all the tress swaying in the breeze she looked around and saw a raven on the floor she frowned and picked it up and heals it and it becomes her friend and after it was better she released it but it did not want to go and become her friends.

One day she wanted more friends so she walked to her raven friends who called out and its call went across the universe back to unit

"what that noise"

"it's the call of the raven mam "

Said one of the scientists while showing her the message fir the doctor so she picked up the phone and called the doctor, as she did that back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero.

Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lilly came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"so doctor where we going today doctor what you doing I thought you where doing the tardis oh my"

When she went to see what he was doing he was fixing the tardis but now he was kissing Charlotte she walked down and crossed her arm

"um doctor I thought you where fixing the tardis"

"oh lilly Hi sorry me and Charlotte are catching up on lost time "

He said while touching her cheek she smiled and walked up the step and pick up the phone that was ringing really loudly

" hello oh hello how are you oh right OK, we'll aparently the fake me escaped and she got a message for you"

"what OK Violet Harry and my love you need to go home me and lilly will see what this about ok "

Said the doctor while pulling the leaver and dropping off Violet, Harry and Charlotte home after so many adventures Charlotte knew this was coming she always knew but she wished she did not have to go through it again.

But when he dropped them off she stopped the door from shutting she shock her head at the doctor who took her hand off the door and looked sad

"I'm sorry"

"matt no please come back "

Said Charlotte as she watched the door closed and the tardis disappeared Harry walked to her and held her hand

" is it really over "

" I don't know but I'm not going to stop you with me "

Said Charlotte while turning to them both Violet shock her head and hugeded Charlotte but walked off afterwards, Harry stayed with his mum but he hoped to see Violet again but he was sadly wrong.

As they thought of what they where going to do next in the forest the fake Charlotte was standing near her raven friend when she hears the tardis noise in the background she smiles and watched as the tardis landed the door opens and the doctor and lilly walked out of the tardis and frowned at the fake Charlotte wondering what going on

" um what going on why did you call me"

"because I love you "

Said the fake Charlotte while walking towards him touching his cheek but he lifted it off and turned away

" I love the real Charlotte not you I'm sorry "

The fake Charlotte frowned and got her sonic out and stuned him and took him away lilly ran back to the tardis and waited for him to come back but she knew the only person who could help was Charlotte but will they get to her in time least find out .

In the forest the doctor where walking with the fake Charlotte while was taking them to where she lives in the forest

"so how long you been here"

"about two years "

Said  the fake Charlotte as she looks at her watch the doctor looks down at his and it had goon three hours in one second and when they landed time was going g normal speed what was going on.

He knew the only way that would happen if they where close to a black hole but there had got to been more then just that so he walked beside her and asked why it was going so fast

"so why time going so fast but when we landed it went slow what going on"

"well there a stone in the forest that makes this forest go slow or fast depending where you are "

Said Charlotte while telling them why it was like that, when they get to the house he saw lots of raven sitting on the chair he smiled and sat down and got some water from the table.

The fake Charlotte walked to him and sat next to him and placed her hand on his leg he moved away from her and sat on the next chair

"sorry I can't your not my Charlotte"

She smiled and kissed him on the lips

"I love you so much I may not be her but I got her momories"

He looked up at her and stroked her cheek and they kissed and kissed but what they did not notice was that the clock was going really fast and this was a bad thing because a lot could happen in that time.

As they kissed back near the tardis lilly walked out of it and parted some of the trees to see the sky outside she gasped and ran back into the tardis and pulled the leaver and headed down to London to see Charlotte to let her what going on.

As she did that back in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday a blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth.

Inside the box Charlotte was sitting on the step after Violet left Harry was standing near the leaver looking at her wondering what they going to do now

" so as Violet left what we going to do now"

"I don't know what to do my matt gone and I don't know where he gone or where lilly was as well "

Said Charlotte while looking up at him telling him she did not know what to do next, but before she could do anything they heard a noise outside they walked outside and saw another tardis land on the ground, the door opens and lily ran out

" Charlotte the doctor in trouble you need to come "

She frowned and they all ran to the tardis and they travel to the forest that was in a two sides ship but before they got there a lot of time had passed for the doctor and Charlotte and the real Charlotte was going to relies how much time has passed when she see the doctor again least find out.

When the tardis lands in the first only a little bit if time has passed for them so it seamed normal when they walked outside the tardis

"so this ship in space two sides by look of it come on least save the doctor"

They all nod and they ran as fast as they could but when they got there the doctor was playing with children Charlotte mouth dropped as she saw it as she could not believe what was happening to her


Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the two sided ship that was hovering above earth at its protector and hero.

Inside the ship the forest was still there and time was going so fast where Charlotte and the other where it had been three hours and it only seems like they just arrived Charlotte looked around to see children running around one of them ran to Charlotte and looked up at her

"dad the blue horse here"

"it's OK darling there no such thing Charlotte is that you "

Said the doctor while seeing Charlotte standing there he smiled and walked to her and touched her cheek

" I love you Charlotte I mist you it been a long time "

" matt I'm glad your safe I love you to and I mist you but how long it been for you "

Said Charlotte while kissing him on the cheek but then she saw the fake Charlotte walking towards them both

," what you doing here you coward "

" don't say that she a good person "

Said lilly while standing infront of Charlotte protecting her as the doctor did not seam to do that, Harry walked to the doctor and wonder why he was not protected Charlotte

" why you not protecting her I thought you loved her"

"I don't know who who "

Said the doctor while telling him while he did not protect her, but before the fake Charlotte could say anything francesca came out of nowhere and got out her blaster and started to destroy them

" hello you lot this is the last we see each other and I can't wait to destroy you"

"yeah bit I'm going to destroy you because of what you become "

Said Charlotte while standing infront of the other holding out her sonic and smiled, she pressed the button on her sonic and it fired at francesca who blasted at Charlotte but the doctor stood in the way and fell to the floor

" matt no please nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

"get him in the tardis now "

Said lilly while Charlotte and Harry take him back to the tardis, back where francesca was lilly stood near her and got her sonic out

" to bad your plan has not worked goodbye "

And francesca disappeared she smiled and ran back to Charlotte and Harry who put the doctor back in the tardis but then the tardis door shut and it flew off

" what we going to do now"

"I have no idea "

Said  charlotte as she looked up at the tardis headed into space as it did that back in the tardis the doctor woke up and his hands where starting to glow

" I not going to change again but I must for Charlotte and my friends but before I go I just want to say run fast run hard and be kind doctor I let you go "

And the doctor regenerate and a women with blond hair apeard she looked around the tardis looking in ever reflection to see what she looked like

" ah brilliant "

But when she pressed the button on the tardis console and the hole tardis turned on its front and started to throw everything out pulling he back but then the center of the console blew up and she fell through soace while watching the tardis disappeared in a big yellow glow. 

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