Colin Kaepernick Imagine for Sarabi (First Date)

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Sarabi POV

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I am so nervous but yet so excited.

Ok, I'm gonna stop and explain what the heck I'm talking about.

First of all, my name is Sarabi and I am so incredibly excited and nervous because I

have a date with Colin Kaepernick,.

Yes, that's right. As in quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers.

How did I manage that you ask?

Well, folks, honestly to this day I still do not know.

I'm still finding it so hard to believe that a girl like myself would land a date with such a

famous guy.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm ugly by no means at all so don't anyone be

thinking that for a minute.

I just don't know why Colin would be interested in someone non-famous.

Anyway, I now no longer have time to ponder on it because I just heard the doorbell ring.

I quickly hurried to the door, hoping and praying that I look all right in my yellow sundress.

A minute later I opened the door, and there stood Colin, looking hot as ever.

Thank God I put on some high powered deodorant because I could feel myself beginning to


But let's not waste time talking about that.

Moving on, folks.

As I was saying, I opened the door to find Colin and all of his hotness standing there.

"Hey" he said, with that absolutely gorgeous smile of his.

"Hey" I said, shyly.

"You look beautiful." Colin said, with that smile on his face as big as ever. And then he pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

"Thank you" I said, softly,

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Sure" I said, with a smile.

I quickly put the beautiful flowers in water and we headed out.

Colin was such a gentleman opening the passenger door of his vehicle for me.

Once he got in the vehicle he started it up and looked at me with that smile again.

"So, what would you like to do?" He asked.

"Oh I am pretty much up for anything. " I said with a smile.

"Well, I was thinking of maybe going to the carnival."

"That sounds great."

Colin smiled again and we drove to the carnival.

Ladies and cats, I must say going to carnival has NEVER been as much fun has it has been this evening.

Colin and I rode the Ferris wheel and of course it stopped and we got stuck at the top.

This is honestly not good for me because I am TERRIFIED of heights.

However, Colin, bless his heart, made me feel so much better by talking me right out of my fear.

To be such a big and tough football player, he really has such a soothing voice.

And finally before we left, Colin played the football toss game and won me a HUGE teddy bear.

If you really think about it, it would really be a shame if he lost at that game because heck, it is his

profession, but anyway, I am now walking out of here with the best prize in the house (besides Colin

himself of course) so it's all good.

As we made our way back to the vehicle, Colin looked at me and smiled.

"I was thinking of maybe having dinner at that restaurant on the beach. Does that sound all right?"

"I thinking it sounds wonderful." I said, returning the smile.

God, this man is gorgeous.

Anyway, before I get totally lost in staring at this finely tuned specimen, a few minutes later we

arrived at the restaurant.

The place was rather fancy, if I do say so myself.

Colin sure knows how to pick a good restaurant.

During the meal, I kept stealing glances at his beautiful face while we were eating.

I was trying to do it without him noticing but I think he did.

I would like to think that maybe he was doing the same thing with me.

Once we were finished with the meal, Colin looked at me. "Would you like to take a walk on the beach?"

"Sure" I said, smiling. "That sounds great."

So, with that, Colin took my hand in his and we  walked along the beach, washing the waves crash.

The ocean is so beautiful and so overwhelming I could just get lost in it.

Finally, after walking and talking a while, Colin and I decided to have a seat on the sand and watch the sunset.

After staring at it for a few minutes with both of us being silent, I finally spoke up.

"The sunset is absolutely beautiful."

Colin looked at me and kissed my hand. "Not as beautiful as you, Sarabi."


Folks, I could just die right now! Colin Kaepernick thinks I am beautiful.

"T-Thank you." I said, shakily. After I am still in shock over his words.

With that being said, he pulled me into a sweet kiss.

A kiss that turned passionate.

Oh my God, it was ABSOLUTELY breathaking.

On top of that, I gurantee it lasted at least five minutes.

Pure heaven on earth.

When we finally pulled away from one another, Colin looked at me.

"Sarabi, you are absolutely gorgeous and this may be too soon to ask this but I'm gonna just come out and do it anyway."

He looked me straight in the eyes with his voice sounding somewhat breathless.

"Sarabi, would you be my girl?"

Oh my God, can this day get any better?

I was silent for just a moment.

Get it together Sarabi and answer the sexy man.

"Y-Yes, yes of course." I said.

"Awesome" Colin said, with a smile and pulled me into another kiss.

Ladies and cats, I do believe I am on to greater things in my life.

And at this moment, it honestly can NOT get any better.

:):):)Sarabi, I hope you like this. I know I really enjoyed writing it. Colin Kaepernick is one FINE looking specimen and I totally got in a zone writing this. :):)

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