Odell Beckham Jr. Imagine for Kiarra (First Meeting)

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Kiarra POV

I smiled as I walked out of the stadium.

What a game.

Oh hey folks, I didn't realize you were there.

Since you are, I will introduce myself.

My name is Kiarra and I am a junior at Louisiana State University.

Go Tigers!

Anyway, my friend Ebony and I are leaving what was as awesome football game.

The LSU Tigers took on the Texas A&M Aggies and won 20-14.

Woohoo! Tigers!

Ebony and I were walking along discussing the game and how great it was when out of

nowhere I ran smack dab into someone.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry!" A voice said.

I turned to see a guy in an LSU football uniform looking at me.


"Oh. Ummmm no problem." I said, nervously. "It's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Well, that makes two of us because neither was I." He said, with a smile.

I smiled too. This guy is definitely easy on the eyes.

"Well, see you around." He said, as he walked toward what appeared to be the locker room since there was other football players headed that way as well.

However, before, he disappeared in there, he turned around to give me another smile.


"Kiarra!" Ebony said, excitedly."Do you know who that is?"

"Not really." I said.

"That's Odell Beckham, Jr. He's the best player on the team. And I think he likes you."

I smiled.

Wow. A cute guy liking me? What are the chances of that?

A few days later, I was walking out of my Psychology class, looking at my phone, again, not paying attention to anything when all of a sudden again, I run into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

I looked up and saw the same gorgeous guy from a few days ago.

"So we meet again." He said, with a smile.

"Yes, yes we do." I said, blushing a little.

"So what's your name?"

"M-My name is Kiarra." I said , nervously.

"Well Kiarra, my name is Odell. " he said, reaching out his hand to me. "Nice to meet you."

"Same here." I said, with a smile.

"Well, now that we have introductions out of the way, I must say you are one fine looking lady."

"Thanks" I said, shyly.

"Would you go out with me?" He asked.

"Sure" I said.

Odell smiled a beautiful smile and this became the beginning of a wonderful romance.

A few months later, Odell had some exciting news.

"Baby, I'm going into the NFL! Would you go with me to the draft?"

"Oh my God, baby, that's wonderful! I said, hugging him. "Of course I will go."

So May finally rolls around and I went with Odell and his parents(who are very nice by the way) to New York to the 2014 NFL draft.

Odell looked so nervous and the wait seemed to be long but finally the announcement came,

"12th overall pick in the first round for the New York Giants.........Odell Beckham Jr."

I felt tears in my eyes. I have never felt so happy and so proud.

Odell truly deserves this.

Later, after all business was taken care of, we sat alone in the hotel room.

"Congrats" I said, kissing his cheek. "You deserve this. You are very dedicated to football."

"I am but that is not all." He said. He then looked me in the eyes and got down on one knee.

"Kiarra, I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. You are the girl for me. Would you marry me?"

My heart swelled with pride.

I was speechless for a minute but finally said. "Yes, Odell, of course."

He then pulled out a beautiful ring and then pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you so much, baby girl."

"I love you too,Odell."

Together our lives can only get better.

:):) hope you like it, Kiarra :)

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