Aaron Rodgers Imagine for Lydia (Hanging Out)

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Lydia POV

I sighed as I sat in the ice cream parlor with my best friend, Jane.

I swear I don't know what in the world I would do without her.

Jane has always been there for me when I've needed a shoulder to cry on or even

advice about my crazy life.

"What's wrong, girl? You look a litte unhappy." Jane asked me.

"Well, I guess I am a little depressed."  I said.

"Awwww don't be depressed, girl." Jans said, cheerfully. "My brother is having a party tomorrow. Why don't you come?"

"I don't know. I might not feel like it." I said. I was honestly teasing. I would do anything for Jane.

I just love seeing what her reaction is going to be.

Jane's face dropped.

Here it comes.

"What?????? Lydia, I can NOT believe you. You are coming! Even if I have drag you there myself." Jane exclaimed.

I could not help but smile.

"Of course I am going to come, Jane. I just wanted to get a rise out of you." I said, with a smile.

Jane smiled. "I should have known. But anyway, I'm glad you are coming."

"Me too." I said, with a smile.

"Anyway, my brother is inviting a bunch of guys from the team to the party too." Jane said, giving me a wink.

All of a sudden, I started to feel nervous.

I guess I should explain why.

So here it is.

Jane's brother is Clay Matthews, linebacker for the Green Bay Packers.

And why am I nervous you ask?

Well, I honestly have a crush on Aaron Rodgers, quarterback for the Packers.

And Jane knows this. She has threatened several times to set us up but I have always

managed to stop her from going any further.

I mean, I honestly would love for something to happen but I would prefer for it to happen without

assistance from anyone.

That might be crazy but that is honestly how I feel.

I looked at Jane and smiled."W-Well, I guess I need to figure out what I am going to wear."

Jane smiled. "Make sure it's something sexy."

I smiled and rolled my eyes as we finished our ice cream, paid for it, and then walked to my car.

I can honestly say that I am nervously looking forward to the party tomorrow night.

The next evening, I showed up at the party still feeling a tad nervous.

However, the minute I walked into the party, I was grabbed by Jane.

"Lydia! There you are! I did not think you were coming!" Jane said, as she pulled me close to her.

"I'm not late am I?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Jane said, laughing a little.

I swear she is crazy.

Anyway, I enjoyed the party for a while but then I started to get somewhat of a headache from all of

the loud music.

Luckily, by this time it was time for the bonfire.

I guess I forgot to mention that Jane's family has a house overlooking the beach.

I had a seat on the sand alone.

A minute later, I heard a voice of someone standing beside of me.

"Anyone sitting here?"

I looked up and noticed that it was Aaron Rodgers.

Oh my God. I'm pretty sure that my heart stopped beating for a second.

However, I was able to pull it together and said. "N-No not at all."

Aaron gave me a smile and sat down beside of me.

He then began to talk. "Are you ok? I could not help but notice you left and came outside a few minutes ago."

"Um, yeah. I'm ok. I just wanted some fresh air."

He smiled again."I understand. Sometimes loud music gets to me."

I smiled. So we have something in common.

Aaron then said. "So, you're friends with Jane?"

"Y-Yeah, she's my best friend." I said.


I must have had a certain look on my face because Aaron pretty much read my mind when he said,

"Yeah, I asked Clay about you when I first noticed you."

"Really?" I asked, still in shock.

"Yes ma'am. " He said, with a wink. "Of course I would ask about such a beautiful lady."

I am pretty sure my heart stopped this time.

I could feel myself blushing.

"But there is one thing" He said, with a wink. "Clay never did tell me your name."

"Ummm, my name is Lydia." I said, with a smile.

"I see." Aaron said. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I smiled wide. It's still hard to believe that the guy I have been crushing on for so long is talking to

me like this.

We continued to talk for a while longer while sitting out at the bonfire and we seemed to hit it off

really well.

Aaron is so easy going and reserved, just like I imagined he would be.

"So, Lydia, since things are going so well, would you consider going out with me?" He asked.

Pinch me, am I dreaming?

I was going to assume for a moment that I am not and said, "Sure".

"Awesome" Aaron said, with a wink. "So, how about tomorrow night?"

"Sounds great."

Then, the next thing I knew Aaron gave me a small peck on my lips.

I know I was blushing but smiling widely at the same time.

To think I was a little nervous about coming to this party/bonfire.

I must say now that I am VERY glad that I did.

:):) hope you like it :)

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