JJ Watt Imagine For Cassandra (First Child Jitters)

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Cassandra POV

I smiled as I relaxed on the couch, watching TV with a blanket over me. 

At the moment, I am currently waiting on a pizza to be delivered for dinner.

This should make my hubby very happy when he gets home.

I swear, my dear husband loves pizza more than anyone I know.

Anyway, I am now realizing that you folks reading this are totally lost.

So, let me explain.

First of all, my name is Cassandra and my wonderful husband that I keep talking about

is JJ Watt.

Many of you may recognize the name. 

He is a defensive end for the Houston Texans.

And the best husband that any woman could ask for.

We have been married now for about two years and I have to say that it has been incredible.

And we now have something even more special.

Right now, I am seven months pregnant with our first child.

Excited you ask? Yes, very much so.

This is part of why I am just ordering pizza. I have been so tired and not felt like cooking for a few days, and from what I have heard, that feeling will only get worse as these next two months progress.

I am very lucky, though. JJ is very understanding. 

A minute later, the delivery guy knocked on the door.

I paid for the pizza and gave the guy a generous tip. 

After that, I got two paper plates and two drinks, (Pepsi for him, water for me, since I am pregnant), and sat them on the coffee table.

Ten minutes later, I heard the door open. 

JJ walked in and sat his bag down in his work out room.

A minute later, he walked over to me.

"Hey beautiful, I've missed you today."

"Oh, sweetie, I have missed you so much too." I said, with a smile.

With that, he pulled me into a sweet kiss that I swear, lasted for about five solid minutes.

When we finally pulled away from one another, JJ smiled and noticed what was on the coffee table.

"Hell yeah. Pizza!" He exclaimed.

I laughed."Yes, I was feeling tired and did not really feel like cooking. "

"Baby, it's no problem. You know I love pizza."

"Yes, but I feel as if you deserve better than me." I said, sadly. 

"Please don't ever feel that way, baby." JJ said, soothingly. "I want you to do whatever you feel comfortable doing."

"Thanks" I said, with a smile. 

SO, with that, we spent the evening watching TV and eating pizza.

A little while later, as we cuddled on the couch, JJ rubbed my belly.

I smiled. "It's hard to believe that it won't be long now."

JJ smile turned to a look of concern. "Yes"

I could not help but notice so I asked him."Are you ok, babe?"

He then looked at me with a serious look on his face. "Honestly, I am a nervous wreck. I don't know if I can do this or not."

"Do what?"

"Be a father. I mean, it is a huge responsibility. "

"Yes it is." I said, sighing. "But you are going to be fine. We both are. Please know that I am nervous too. We'll do this together."

"Ok" JJ said, with a smile. However, he still did not look convinced. 

I sighed. Bless his heart.


Two months later.......

I am sitting in the hospital bed. I am very tired because I have just given birth to a seven pound 5oz baby girl.

Ashley Denise Watt

She is beautiful.

However, right now the most beautiful sight I see is the love in her Daddy's eyes as he is cradling her in his arms.

I smiled at them. I had just woke up from a nap after the labor.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey sweetie" JJ said, with a smile on his face bigger than any one I have ever seen. "Thank you for making me the happiest man alive."

"No problem" I said, with a smile. 

I guess he has forgotten all the doubt he had in himself just a few short months ago.

I'm so glad.

I just know we are going to be the perfect little family and I look so forward to seeing what the future holds for us.

:):):):) hope you like it. Sorry it has taken me so long. 

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