Odell Beckham Jr. Imagine for Andrea (What a Guy)

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Andrea POV

I sighed as I laid on the couch. I feel so tired. And when I say tired, I mean so exhausted that the thought

of moving up off this couch nearly cripples me.

At this time, I think I will stop and introduce myself and what is going on before anyone thinks I

am depressed or something because I am honestly not.

First off, my name is Andrea and I am married to Odell Beckham Jr. , wide reciever for the New York Giants.

I am VERY happily married I must say and could not imagine my life with any other guy.

Now, I am really hoping that the reason I am so tired is because I am five months pregnant with

our second child.

Yes, our second. Our first child is one year old and his name is Elijah.

Sweetest baby ever.

Right now he is sleeping so I am taking the time to rest too.

Only now I feel very lazy.

Well, Elijah is still asleep so I think I will take a nap.

A few minutes (turns out it was a few hours later), I woke up to hearing Elijah's baby noises.

"Yes, there's Mama." A voice said.

I opened my eyes to see Odell standing over me with baby Elijah in his arms.

I sat up quickly. "Oh my God, how long have I been asleep?" I looked at Elijah with tears in my

eyes. "Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry."

"Baby, don't worry." Odell said, with that soothing voice."He just woke up a few minutes ago. I was already home from practice before he woke up."

"Oh thank God' I said, totally relieved. "I was so afraid that I didn't hear him or something."

"Oh no." Odell said, kissing me on the cheek. "Baby, are you all right?"

"I think so. I just feel so tired."

"I know." He said, sympathetically.

Then he gave me a smile. "Tell you what. You sit here and relax with little man. I'm going to go fix dinner."

"What? You know how to cook?"

"Yes ma'am. I can cook food and I sure can make things cook in the bedroom."

"You're such a flirt." I said, smiling.

"But you love me." Odell said, with a wink.

"Of course." I said, with a smile.

With that being said, he handed me little Elijah and took off to the kitchen.

An hour later, I walked into the kitchen to what smelled like an absolutely divine dinner.

"Baby, you are an awesome cook." I said, as I chowed down on the food.

"Thank you, my dear." He said, feeidng Elijah.

"Do you need me to do that?" I asked.

"Absolutely not. You just sit there and eat and be beautiful. I'll feed him."

I blushed. "OK"

Then I thought of something. "Odell, tomorrow is my doctor appointment in which I will find out the sex of the baby. Are you still going to go?"

"Ya know it, baby doll. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I smiled. "Great"

So we finished dinner, and I got up to do the dishes but I was stopped.

"Absolutely not. Have a seat right now, young lady." Odell said.

"What about the dishes?" I asked.

"I will take care of them." He said.

"Well, I will give Elijah a bath."

"No, I will take care of that too."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"I told you. Sit there and be beautiful and relax." Odell said, winking at me.

I smiled. What a guy.

Later, I was in the bedroom, getting ready for bed when Odell walked in after washing the dishes, bathing Elijah and putting him to bed.

He then went in to our master bathroom and started running water in the bath tub.

"Ready for your bath my lady?" He asked me.

"Y-You're going to give me a bath?" I asked.

"You got it."

I grinned as he helped me off the bed and helped me into the tub.

"Sweetie, you realize that I am just tired, not helpless right?" I asked.

"Yes, but I want to help you. I want ya to be all relaxed."

With that, he gently began to wash me.

And every now and then he would try to cop a feel of my breasts.

I giggled. "Behave yourself."

"Now where is the fun in that?"

Odell continued to wash me and he placed his hand on my protruding belly, causing the baby to

wiggle around.

I smiled. "The baby likes it."

"And I think Mama does too." He said, with a wink.

"I do" I admitted.

After the bath, I got dressed and fell asleep in my wonderful husband's arms.

The next day, I was at the doctor's office and I FINALLY (after a long wait) got called back into the

room where they do the ultrasounds.

The doctor finally came in and began the procedure by rubbing that oh so cold jelly on my belly.

Nothing topped the feeling of seeing my growing baby on that screen.

Babies are truly amazing, a miracle, and the most precious gift you will ever receive.

After a few minutes of examining, the doctor asked. "Would you like to know the sex of the baby, Mrs. Beckham?"

"Yes" I said, with a smile.

The doctor looked at me and smiled."It's a boy." 

I smiled and looked at Odell, who was grinning from ear to ear.

All the tiredness I have been feeling has suddenly vanished.

I could not be happier.

Later, as the left the doctor, Odell looked at me and smiled."Another bouncing baby boy huh?"

"Yes" I said, with a smile. "I have a name. I would like to name him Trey."

"Love the name, baby doll." Odell said, with a smile." And I love you too."

With that, he pulled me into a kiss.

It felt awesome.

A few minutes later, he said, "Since your mon is keeping Elijah, let's go get lunch. A football player's gotta eat."

I giggled. "Sure"

As I said before, folks, what a guy.

I love him with all my heart.

:):):) Andrea I hope you like it. I enjoyed writing this one a lot. :)

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