Chapter 1- First Day

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First day. Today is a new start, a fresh start. No one knows your past and no one will. Your dad stops right in front of the school. You look out the window and see all the students and you start panicking. What if they don't like you here. What if they know. "Is gonna be fine" your dad said and unlocks your door. The sound of your dad's voice calms you down. You give him a hug then step out of the car.

You start walking towards the school office to pick up your schedule. The lady at the desk hands you your schedule. "Thank you" you say then turn around. Looking down at your classes you bump into someone.

"Oh sorry" you, and the dark brown hair boy say at the same time.

"You new here" he said, with this little smirk and you start to feel the butterflies in your stomach.

"Yea actually I just moved a days weeks ago" you replied. You can feel your cheeks blushing so you look down at your schedule and ask where your first class, history, is. "Oh its right down the hall I actually have that first too, I'll walk you. Oh, my name is Stiles." Stiles, what an unusual but cute name.

As you started walking, you said "I'm (Y/N)". "(Y/N), wow what a pretty name." He said.You saw him wave to a group of people.

There was another boy about the same height as Stiles but this guy looked a lot different, sort of like a little puppy you wanna be friends with. Next to him a girl with brown hair and beautiful skin, she looked sweet and yet intimidating. To her left a very tall boy with blond curly hair and a silly smile. There was also a shorter girl with perfect strawberry blond hair. Before you knew it you were following Stiles to his group of friends.

"Everybody, this is (Y/N) ".Stiles said pointing to you. You smiled at them because they all seemed really nice. You felt a lift off your shoulder because you knew this was going to be a better year
"(Y/N), this is Scott". Stiles said pointing to the puppy looking boy. "This is Allison he said pointing to the tall, brown haired girl. "This is Isaac" He said pointing to the the tall blond, curly haired boy. "And that is Lydia" He said pointing to the strawberry blond haired girl.

"Hi" you said towards the entire group. "You're new here" said Allison with a big smile.

Before you could say anything Stiles beat you to it and said "she moved here a couple days ago". "Yeah , I moved from LA" you said pointing to the shirt you were wearing that had "LA" on it with finger letters.

The bell rang and a crowd of students starts rushing to their classes and you start looking for Stiles.You looked around but you couldn't find him.

All of a sudden you feel a hand grab yours and pulls you. It's Stiles dragging you to history class.

When the crowd finally stops, he is still holding your hand firmly. You like how his hand feels, like it was made to hold yours. You look down at his hand and he thinks you don't like it so he pulls away quickly.

You go into your first class, Stiles right in front of you. You look for a place to sit. Stiles rushed and sat right next to Scott. there was a seat open right behind Allison, who was behind Scott. You walk and sit behind her as the second bell rings. The History teacher starts to talk and begins you first class.
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and let me know if you have any suggestions I can give to the writer. This is her first imagine so please be kind

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