Chapter 5 part 1(Split POV)

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(Y/N's POV)

You step out of Stiles's car and walk to the top of the stairs. You watch as he drives away, then you hear a loud honk. You turn to look and its your dad in his truck. You get in, sit down and sigh.

"Soooo„, how was school today" he says he says smiling trying to convince me to tell him to stay.

"Dad, we're still moving I can't stay in this town. We moved here so I could have a fresh start but it's only been a week and people already know about me. I just want to have a normal school year with no supernatural activity what's oh ever." You say crossing your arms and staring straight ahead as if to say "lets go". Your dad drives up to your house. You walk in and go straight to your room to pack, which won't take that long cause most of your stuff is still in boxes. You have the last dinnerwith your family in that house because tomorrow is moving day.



I drive off from the school and go straight to Scott's house. I knock on the door but no one answers. Scott is always sleeping so I use my key.

"Hey Scotty you here" I says and I hear movement coming from Scott's room. I run upstairs and I see Scott's door is closed. I open the door and Scott is on his bed half naked.

"Hey, Stiles what are you doing here?" he says while he is constantly looking at his closet.

"Um, Scoot I'm all for sitting around in your underwear but put on some pants cause we're going to Derek's." I say, then sit on his desk chair.

"Stiles can I get some privacy please?"he says slowly walking to his closet.

"Dude I've seen you naked a thousand times".

"Ok fine, if you stay then I'll change in my closet" he says acting suspicious.

"Scott you okay?" I ask.

"Yup I'm fine" he walks into the closet and closes the door. I look around his room and notice a bunch of clothes all over the floor. Within those clothes is a bra, and I start to put the pieces together. That's when something vibrates on his desk and it was Allison's phone.

"Hey Scott" I say.

"Yeah" he replies then I hear him whisper.

"While you're in there will you tell Allison her dad texted her" I say casually as if I knew the whole time.

"Hi Stiles" Allison says with embarrassment.

"I'll be downstairs" I say then I lean the room and walk down stairs to the kitchen and help myself to something in the fridge. Five minutes later, they both walk down stairs, fully clothed, and I'm sitting on the couch.

"How did you know I was in the closet?" Allison asks.

"I may not be a werewolf or a hunter, but I'm not stupid" I stand up and walk to the front door.

"We're going to Derek's". Allison and Scott both look at each other like I was acting weird.

"Why?" Scott asks closing the door and standing in front of it.

"Because he may know what Y/N is because I don't think she's a werewolf." I answer, "Her eyes didn't glow when you scratched her, even Derek's eyes glow when he's hurt so even if she is the most experience wolf it wouldn't make a difference."

"What do you think she is then?" Allison asks.

"Well I don't know, but I thought Derek might." I explained to her.

"I'll go home and get the bestiary, it might help" Allison says as we all walk out the door and she goes to her car and Scott and I take my jeep. The car ride with Scott was pretty silent. He kept looking at me with a concerned look.

"Are you okay Stiles, you're not acting like yourself". It takes me a while to say it.

"She's leaving Scott, tomorrow morning. And all I had to do was tell her that I would never look at her like a monster and I couldn't say it. And now it's too late" My heart starts to hurt as I start to think about her.

"It's never too late" Scott says as if he is so sure. Allison and we arrive at Derek's at the same time.

"What are you guys doing here" Derek asks with his typical voice that always sounds like he's mad.

"You know that girl that we talked about. We think she's supernatural but Stiles doesn't think she a werewolf so we're wondering what else she could be," Scott explains.

"Well she could be a few things " Derek replies.

"Well she must be something with total control because she didn't show any signs of the supernatural when Scott scratched her. Her eyes didn't glow and claws didn't grow from her nails she stay completely normal, but she healed quicker than a human" I explain while flipping through the pages of the bestiary.

"What else do you know about her" Derek as hoping to get more information to help him figure it out.

"Um.. insanely beautiful with these eyes that just-" I look at them staring at me and I stop talking cause I was not helping. Derek tries to think, but without enough information he can't figure it out.

"Guys how about this" I say and turn the book around to show them.

"No, she can't be a Nagual they are incredibly rare" Derek says shaking his head as if it's not even a possibility.

"It says here they have total control over shifting except on eclipses" I say trying to convince him.

"If she is , but she probably isn't, she could be a great ally or a terrible enemy." He says trying to scare us.

"It's a good thing she's leaving" Isaac says and we all turn to look at him.

"She's not leaving, I won't let her " I say then continue reading.

"If she's a Nagual then she has the same characteristics as a werewolf pretty much her eyes glow when she turns her nails grow, except on the eclipse she turns completely into the animal" I read, "She turns into a mountain lion".

"If she is , she is much stronger than us especially when she's fully turned " said Derek.

"Stiles, maybe you should let her go" Scott says with a concerned look on his face.

"Scott she's not our enemy" I say to Scott convincing him because I am not letting her leave not until I tell her how I feel. I hand the book to Allison.

"The only way to be a Nagual is by a bloodlineand is only to the females of the family" she reads

"A Nagual's eyes are originally golden brown unless they have taken a human life in which case they turn blue.They have the power to compel non supernatural creatures." I could see the concern on their faces, but I was not scared or concerned I realize that she would never be a monster in my eyes.

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