Chapter 8

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After the lacrosse game, you say goodbye to Allison and Lydia. They give you both a hug and walk away to your house. You text Stiles to come over later so you two can talk.

You head home to prepare yourself to tell him. But how can you prepare to tell the guy you're think you're falling in love with that you killed your boyfriend and your mother. When you get home your dad is in the living room reading a newspaper with coffee in his hands.

"Hey dad, are you gonna be here in like, I don't know, half an hour?" You say hoping he says no.

"I'm not sure, why you want me out of the house?" he replies.

You throw your bag on the couch and head for the fridge. You didn't get to eat much at lunch.

"No its just I'm having of my um.. friends are coming over to uh.. study" You hoped he didn't know that you were lying, but somehow he always knows even though sometimes he doesn't say anything.

"Aha, and is this the same friend you were studying with on the bench the other day." He says hinting at the fact that he saw you making out with Stiles the night you were gonna leave.

"Maybe, but dad please go its always awkward when you're around," you say slightly whining.

"What do you mean I'm cool, I'm chill as the kids say I have swag," you roll your eyes at him making sure that he saw you. "Fine fine fine, I'll go, I've been meaning to talk to that beautiful nurse at the hospital". He has been talking about that nurse for days now.

"You still haven't talk to her yet, a decent looking and smart doctor like you is scared to talk to a nurse," you say while making yourself a sandwich.

"A nurse that looks like that, yes" he says folding up his newspaper. You roll your eyes at him again, but you were happy that he's finally getting out there again.

"Remind me of her name again?" You take a bite out of your sandwich.

"Melissa, Melissa McCall" you almost choke on your food when he says her last name. Melissa McCall, as in Scott McCall.

"What?" Your dad asks noticing your reaction to her name. You struggle to swallow.

"Oh. Nothing, it just went down the wrong way," you decided not to tell him the first girl he likes since your mom is your boyfriend's best friend's mom. You get a text from Stiles saying he'll be there soon and you start to panic.

"Ok dad well don't keep that wonderful lady waiting. C'mon lets go out you go to the hospital, goodbye." you pull him of the couch and push him towards the door. He doesn't even try to fight back because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. You hand him the keys to his car then you close the door in his face. You listen and you can here him starting up the car. You sigh in relief.

You're sitting on the couch holding a pillow tightly in your arms and tapping your foot rapidly when you hear a car pulling up in front of your house. You head over to the window and see a blue jeep and instantly know that its Stiles. You head over to the door and before you open it you listen. You hear his heart beating rapidly. You open the door and he's turned round with both hands in his front pockets.

"Hi" he says sighing. You zone out for a minute still hearing his heart beat, it's slowed down.

"Oh ya um.. come in," he walks inside and walks straight to the living room. "Oh um I was thinking we could talk in my room," you say pointing upwards.

"Ya okay, let's go," he says and he follows you up the stair and into your room. You walk in and sit on one side of the end of your bed and he sits on the other. It's quite for a while and then at the same time you both say, "I'm sorry".

"You're sorry, for what," you say in confusion because he didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm sorry for how I acted at lunch and how I questioned you and it just wasn't right to ask you something like that and if there is something you want to tell me you can tell me when you want to. Look I like you a lot, like so much that it kills me to see you hurt so you don't need to tell me because I don't care what you did in the past because right now is all that counts."

You can't help but find yourself smiling as he grabs your hands and the warmth from his fingers all that you can think about.

Even though you've tried so hard to prevent from telling him, you knew that you had to tell him. You didn't want to start a relationship with lies. You reach over to the picture of your mom that was sitting on your dresser.

"This is my mom, she died a few years ago. When I was 15, I had just became a Nagual, and my mom was helping me through it. She showed me the ropes, help me control it on the day to day basis and helped me truly understand of what I am. She told me about the eclipse and how it weakened the human side and forced us to shift. On the night of my first eclipse, I went to a party with my boyfriend, Colton. I was naive and thought that I could control myself and go to a party. My mom begged me not to leave, but I did anyway. When we got to the party I started to get dizzy, but I blamed it on the alcohol, even though I didn't have any at the time. The dizziness and the feeling of weakness just got worse so I laid on the couch and Colton stayed with me to watch me while everyone else was outside watching the eclipse. I felt the feeling coming up even though I tried so hard to push it down but it didn't work. Before I knew it my nails turn into claws my hands and feet into paws and it less than a minute there was a wild mountain lion in the middle of the house. Colton yelled for help but the music was too loud nobody heard him. I jumped on him and ripped out his throat. I remember for just a few seconds the human inside me came out and I felt like I couldn't breath. The people outside finally notice me and started to scream and run. I remember being scared and confused. The front door open and my mom came threw the door in the middle of her transition, she told me to run. She gave me a chance to escape and as the animal I didn't think about her I just saved myself. I heard a gunshot and kept running. They shot her, and on any other night it wouldn't have hurt her but that night she was too weak. When the eclipse was over I changed back, I was in the middle of the woods. It felt like someone had just ripped out my heart and is drowning me. I couldn't breath and I just kept hearing the screams and the gunshot over and over again." You're crying and you see Stiles looking down as if he's about to cry himself.

He looks up at you and wipes away the tear from your cheek with his thumb. He puts his hand on your face and you find comfort in his hands. He leans in a and kisses you gently.

"Why does it feel like you only ever kiss me when I'm crying?" You say jokingly.

"You're right, let's go on a date and no crying or being sad allowed, ok?" He says energetically.

"Okay, what kind of date?" You ask.

"Come over tomorrow night and i'll make you dinner and we can watch a movie on the couch" he says. You think of you two snuggling and watching a movie and it sounds like the best thing in the world.

"It's a deal as long as we watch Star Wars, I love that movie" you say hoping he has it.

"Marry me" he says with his mouth dropped open in surprise.

"I'll think about it" you say laughing and you kiss him passionately.


I am a little bit pissed at my Google Docs because when I was correcting grammer it suggested I change Stiles to something else.....


Just let that sink in

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