Chapter 5 part 2

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You wake up and look outside and see the moving truck. Today is moving day. You felt sad having to leave this small town that you grew to love. It made you even more sad that you had to leave Stiles, but you knew he was better off without you. You walk downstairs for breakfast.

You grab a bowl of cereal as you make your way to the couch. "You know it's never too late to change your mind, even if we're half way to Portland we can always come back." Your dad says noticing how sad you look. "There is nothing to stay for." You say looking back down to the bowl of cereal.

Meanwhile, back at school Stiles is in the office. He walks in slowly remembering when you two first met. He walks over to the front desk lady and asks "Can I get Y/N address please?"

"We don't give out students personal information, sorry." The woman says, not sounding sorry. "But it's an emergency." He says slightly begging.

"What kind of emergency?" She asks. Stiles thought about telling her that he has to go tell Y/N how he feels and that he not scared of you no matter what you turns into. But he decided not to.

"She's moving away and I have to say goodbye," Stiles says a little more serious this time.

"Sorry kid, maybe try a friend of hers." She says actually feeling sorry. Stiles turns around disappointed, and tries to think. He remembers you walking home for lunch which mean her house can't be far. He jumps in his jeep and drives around looking for your house. He finds your house and the moving truck and stops in front of it.

He sees you sitting on the bench by your house. He walks around and sits beside you. You look at him and get up, because it was just too hard.

"Please sit with me." He says, you try your hardest not to look in his eyes cause you know if you do, you won't be able to look away. "Hey" he says trying to look at you but you look further away. "I can't Stiles its just too hard" you says feeling the tears rushing down your face.

"Come on, please look at me" He gently moves your head to look at him. You give in and look into his big brown eyes. It feels different, he's looking at you the same way he was on the first day. He wipes away your tears and you both stare at each other for a few minutes.

He grabs both of your hands and says "Y/N, I don't care what you turn into because how I feel is like nothing I have ever felt before and if you leave today I will follow you wherever you go and I will fight for you." You almost start to cry again

"Do you know?" you ask.

"Yes" he says and you look back down. "Are you scared of me?" He doesn't reply and just looks at you. He puts your hair behind your ear. You knew what was coming but part of you didn't want him to because then you would never be able to leave.

"Stiles" you whisper as he leans in closer. He kisses you first gently and then harder. You feel it rising, even though you tried so hard to push it down. You pull back slowly.

Stiles looks at you and smiles. "What?" you say nervously. "Your eyes, they're blue and glowing" you close your eyes and look down. He places both of his hands on your face and makes you look at him again. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen"

You take deep breaths and it finally goes away. "It only happens in moments of strong emotion" You explain taking his hands off your face and placing them in yours.

"I promise you I will never look at you the way I did that night in the forest, never again" He says and you smile back at him.

You kiss him passionately and then he whispers,"Stay. Stay with me"

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