Descend|Chapter 25

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Lisa shifted beside Rhiannon and slowly opened her eyes. The rain still poured outside and the cave was damp and cold. Lisa moved her hand to feel her face and groaned at the throbbing pain that made her wince. Her mouth felt dry as she tried to form the only words that mattered. Starshine, her reason for holding on.

"St-Starshine," Lisa whispered hoarsely.

"Shhh, he will be here soon," Rhiannon cooed to her.

Lisa wanted to fight the blackness she felt again but she couldn't find her way, couldn't find light to lead her out.


Linda and Alex trudged through the mud with Starshine. The rain still hadn't let up. Either Nicole couldn't control it or she was really good at making things difficult. Alex sighed, her heart felt hollow. She wanted to wait for Anne but Linda's logic somehow made sense again.

Linda and Alex walked through the storm with silence being shared between them until the cave came into view. Starshine's ear perked up and he trotted ahead towards the overhang by the entrance of the cave where Tin-Can, Concorde, and Meteor were standing. Lisa and Alex got to the cave a few minutes later, dripping like wet sponges. Rhiannon acknowledged their presence by bringing Lisa into a standing position and helping her walk. As Lisa got closer to Starshine her eyes started opening and her face started gaining colour. Lisa could almost walk on her own by the time she reached the entrance and let out a sigh of relief, Starshine nuzzled his muzzle by her face and she smiled. Rhiannon let her go and Lisa held herself up by using Starshine to steady her.

"I had no idea that our horses affect us like that," Alex whispered in awe.

"I'm sure Linda can tell you almost everything I know," Rhiannon paused, a smile on her lips, "but yes the guardian horses have many secrets. When a soul rider is drained, she needs her horse to help her recharge. I think its's safe to assume Lisa won't be performing anymore magic tonight though."


Anne froze as Jessica's black eyes swept over her with glee. She was trapped, without any way to get off this retched ship.

Anne only had enough of her power left for two or three portals, she had to make it count. Her sore limbs protested as she broke into a sprint, whirling past Jessica and out into the hall. Anne tried to continue slowing time as she ran by other workers, but the small grip she had on her power was slipping and Jessica wasn't to far behind.

Her body ached with every step she took, not only physically but internally too. The bright sun that she usually imagined herself as, now felt dim and lifeless.

She turned down the hall and ran up the stairs into the neat corridor. So many doors lined the halls, identical and plain. She could not remember what door she took to get inside, not that she would be able to climb a ladder that started ten feet in the air.

Run, run, run, she told herself as her body desired to slow down and rest. She ran around a corner with Jessica now shooting dark smoky magic at her. A stairwell lay at the end of the hall. Anne gave it her all and flew up it as fast as her body would allow her. The stairwell curved and the night sky appeared above her, the sea breeze as welcoming as it was formidable. Jessica, hot on her heels was on the deck of the boat a second later. Her gait turned into a prowl and her face looked like a predator about to catch its prey. Anne took a step backward, then another, until the edge of the deck was an inch away from her heels. A high drop into the dark water below would be her only way out of this.

"Don't be stupid, the waves could slam you against the boat and kill you. After what you did to Nicole I'm sure she would see that through," Jessica hissed.

"I would rather die than be stuck in your clutches again," Anne said before she took another step into the open air behind her.


Rhiannon glanced between Linda and Alex and her eyes opened in alarm.

"Where's Anne?"

A tear slid down Alex's face, "she wasn't able to come with us, she's still there."

Rhiannon froze,"we must pray to Aideen that Anne will join us again tonight, I have a feeling we will need all of the soul riders."

"What difference is praying going to do? We need to take action! Anne could be imprisoned again, we need to get her out!" Alex shouted while Linda stared at the ground in silence.

"NO! You will do no such thing Alex, you could put Anne in even more danger let alone yourself," Rhiannon shouted back.

"Last time I checked, I was leader of the druids, I think I can also be in charge of myself."

Rhiannon stayed silent, her lips in a thin line as if to keep herself from saying more.

"Alex I think Rhiannon is right, let's just wait. Anne might be drained but she is more than capable to get herself out, lets not worry, okay? Anne wanted to get us out of there, we wouldn't be very good friends if we went back there."

Alex remained quiet for a minute, "but so many things could happen, I just wish I could help."

"I wish I could to," Linda whispered into the night, "but Anne will get out safely, we must believe it."


Free-falling into the wind Anne bit back her scream as she saw Jessica's head peak over the edge of the ship. The waves were hitting the ship in a rhythmic pattern below her. Her hair streamed past her face as her back hit the water. She took a quick inhale before she was fully submerged.

The darkness of the water was smothering, a current pushed her against the ship as she clawed to get to the surface. Her lungs felt like they would explode, her body fought to inhale the icy water. Even though it was summer, the water was frigid. Her hand reached toward open air and she got pulled up in a swell and slammed into the ship. She gasped for air as she was pulled under again. She tried to fight, to get above the water and swim away from the ship but the waves kept bringing her back. If she didn't get out of here she would die.

Body numb and aching, she took an inhale of air and plunged herself into the water. She swam into the depths of it, where there was little light. The salt stung her eyes as she calmed her mind. Her hands swished in-front of her eyes as she saw a glimmer of light. She was running out of air, she had to hurry. She continued the pattern of swishing her hands and kicking her legs when she felt herself starting to sink deeper. Eventually a small orb of dull light appeared. She swam towards it with her fingers crossed.


Thank you all for reading! Don't forget to upvote and comment, I love you all so much!❤️

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