Reunited | Chapter 21

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Alex stood defiantly watching the dark riders on the ground, almost daring one of them to move.

"Um ...  Alex are you okay?" Anne asked in a concerned voice.

Alex looked at her with skepticism, "do I not look okay? Because I feel great at the moment." Alex flashed a grin and then went over to Tin-Can and gave him a quick pat.

Rhiannon stepped forwards in front of Anne, "I suggest we leave before anyone decides to stop by."

Anne nodded and began making making a portal, she was starting to feel drained from all the portals she had already made. It took a bit longer to make but after a few seconds she had a 10 by 10 portal in front of them and Anne waved her hand offering for Rhiannon and Alex to go first. Once they disappeared through the pink and purple swirls, Anne stepped forwards and closed the portal behind her. She started forwards when she felt the wet soggy ground materialize below her feet. Rhiannon and Alex were ahead peering around. 

"Lisa is inside the cave, resting." Anne spoke into the dark night. She walked forwards and gave Concorde a hug when she saw him. Concorde was under a small rock bluff above the cave, Alex and Rhiannon followed suit and sheltered their horses beside Concorde. Anne gave Concorde a pat before moving aside the ivy and once again offering for Rhiannon and Alex to go first. Rhiannon reached in her pocket and drew out a small flashlight, with a flick it illuminated the small space and they spotted Lisa slumbering in the corner paler than ever. 

"I shall leave this with you," Rhiannon said as she handed over the flashlight to Alex. "I need to retrieve Linda."

Anne felt another spark of happiness, that all the Soul Riders would soon be together.

Rhiannon stepped back out into the rain and disappeared in the stormy night. Thunder was now clapping above joined with strikes of lightning. Alex looked suspiciously smug.

Alex clicked the flashlight and left them in darkness, "time for a ghost story?"  Alex clicked the flashlight again and it illuminated her face.

"Get serious Alex." Anne said with a hint of annoyance. 

"Scared?" Alex taunted.

"I am not scared! I think it's best if we just focus on our situation, which is bad enough if I might add. I'm wondering if I should portal to Valedale and ask for recruits, extra help. But you are the leader of the druids so I have to ask you first."

Alex clicked the flashlight off, sat silently for a moment before answering, "no."

"Why? We could use the extra help!" Anne felt as though Alex did not understand what each of them had been through and how weakness was starting to leak into each of them.

"I said no. This is our fight not theirs. We are the Soul Riders, protectors of Jorvik. I will not call on the druids when many of them lack in fighting skill. I could not stand to see one of them injured or . . ." Alex broke off. "That is my final word Anne," Alex finished with more finality than ever.

Anne could not believe how final Alex's words were. The one who was just trying to tell a ghost story now sounded completely different. Alex had changed, she still had her flair of recklessness at times but nowadays she had a seriousness about her. It had always been there but was more pronounced now.

An awkward silence filled the space. The rain usually had a calming effect Alex thought, but somehow on this night it felt harsher. 

"So, what happened to Lisa and where's Starshine," Alex asked with curiosity as she hoped this was a subtle change of subject.

"Well she told me she had to distract the dark riders so Linda could get away. They caught up with her and struck her multiple times... When she woke up, Starshine was gone. I think they took him." 

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