Chapter Thirteen Part One

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It was a normal day, mid-December when Lily Potter found her way to the Leaky Cauldron. She stood for a while by the door before anyone noticed her.

The quietness in the pub didn't last long once they did. Some shrieked at the blood on her body. Others knew she was reported missing. A few shrank back, seeing the undeniable horror and fear in her eyes.

Minutes later she was shipped off to St Mungo's without having said a word to anyone, not even as they tried to make her talk. She merely stared at them, her limbs trembling. They soon had her settled into a bed and an elderly witch leaned over her and said:

"It's alright now, dear. We've contacted your husband. He's coming."

Lily looked at her and her mouth opened. The healers froze, waiting.

"The… nightmare…"

"It's over," the older healer reassured, petting the tangled, red hair.

"No," Lily whispered, shaking her head. "It won't be over… until he's dead. The Nightmare Lord… it won't be over until he's gone…"

Then she rolled over to her side and closed her eyes tightly.


James hadn't left Lily's side and so the gathered Order members held a meeting around her bed. Molly Weasley was petting Lily's hair, bristling and clenching her jaws almost as tightly as James did. Molly and Lily were good friends, and it tore at them all to see the strong woman curled up like an infant, looking very small in the hospital bed.

"Well, physically she's alright," Poppy said, checking the charts the healers had left her. "She has been heavily injured but those are long since healed."

"Has she been… I mean, what kind of injuries?" James said.

"Not torture," she said. "Or rape. An abdomen wound, most likely caused by a blade. That's the only major one, the rest are scrapes and bruises. It's her mind they're worried about."

"What do you mean? Has she been under the Crucio spell?"

"No, not what they could find. But her Occlumency shields were torn down," Poppy said. "It seems like spells they haven't been able to identify yet has been used on her mind. Probably the Nightmare Lord, meaning we won't know unless Lily is strong enough to tell us."

"So it's almost certain the Nightmare Lord kidnapped her?" James said.

"There are tiny strains of magic left in her head," Poppy replied. "Not enough for any mind-control, or monitors. It's just leftovers, and it's the Nightmare Lord's signature. If anyone has spells we've never seen before, it's him."

"That bastard got into my wife's head and made a mess out of her. I'll kill him. I don't care if people say he can't be killed, I will kill him."


Somewhere else, Harrison sneezed. It spread through his damaged cheek and he winced. Lucian put down the tray with lunch and looked him over.

"You're not getting a cold are you?" he said.

"Nonsense. When was the last time I was sick?" Harrison grumbled. "No, it's probably dust… yes, dust. Has this room been cleaned recently?"

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