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𝐎𝐇. he pushed me off. i thought he liked me. i sit silently next to him as the emts rush into my apartment. my back is pushed against the bed and schlatt is next to me. i think i hear the emts asking me questions but i don't care. i just nod, say i'm fine. just like mom taught me.

wait what. my computer? fuck. why did i think it was off. why did i think schlatt would turn it off. i quickly stand up and turn it off. saying goodbye to the chat in a choked out sob. atleast they didn't see schlatt crying and me getting 𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝. good. they may have heard it. but they didn't see it.

"clementine, come here," i hear someone say as they wrap their arms around me. he's just like everyone else. i push him off of me. sweet sweet revenge.

"please leave," i whisper, barely audible. he just nods and heads out the door. i hear it click behind him. i pull myself up onto the bed and lay down. i grab my pillow and pull it close, missing the gentle hold of schlatt.

when i wake up my body has been covered by a light blanket, and the smell of coffee wafts through the air. my phone is plugged in, my room is tidied, and a cup of coffee, still steaming, is on my night stand. i first check my phone. texts from blythe, a few texts from cody asking if i was okay. a whole load of twitter dms. i should make it clear i'm okay.

the trending hashtag, #getwellsoonclem, is flooded with replies and tags. i smile as i scroll through the happy messages. some of them know schlatt and i are together due to the sounds and the depressed me, but other ones are oblivious.


(1/?) last night, during a stream, clementine (@clmtnejuice ) went into allergic shock. when she was on the floor we saw schlatt run into the apartment and put the screen on her...

(2/?) waiting screen and then saved her. we aren't sure what happened next but it's suspected that jschlatt kissed her, or she kissed him. some people think that she got...

(3/3) rejected, or other way round.  everything is speculation now, but it seems confirmed that they are together! best of wishes for everyone,
  snitch ass bitch shut the fuck up
     why the fuck do yall hate anne so much😭


"anne the snitchy bitch," i snicker to myself as i get out of bed. stretching my muscles i feel the headache from last night get in. i shouldn't have taken those painkillers, and i only remember what happened thanks to anne. can i get a thank you anne in the chat?

"good morning," schlatt says as i sit in the kitchen. what happened. i went into shock, and then he saved me. did we kiss? did i push him off? what happened?

"good morning," i yawn as i reach my hands over my head, "what happened last night," i see schlatt tense up over this. he walks into my room and looks for something as i try to keep myself awake. he walks out with a pack of mint gum, and hands me a piece.

"take it," he insists as i refuse.

"it's like 9 o'clock in the morning," i roll back in my seat and look up at him, taking the gum in my mouth. he does the same.

"chew chew chew," he laughs as he pours himself a cup of coffee, but he doesn't drink it. i grab his hand and he leads me over to the couch where we sit quietly. his hand is wrapped around my shoulders, and my head is in the crook of his neck. he's warm.

i wrap my tiny hands inside his larger ones and snuggle into his neck. his other hand that's wrapped around me combs his finger through my hair. the gum is starting to lose flavour in my mouth, and my breath smells like mint, and my mouth tastes like mint. i swallow my gum and i see schlatt do the same. i laugh a little as he continues to brush his fingers through my hair.

"clementine..." he can barely finish his sentence before i go in to kiss him. the warm feeling of his lips is immediately overtaken by the shock on what i just did, but he doesn't stop kissing me. mwah mwah kiss kiss mwah

i want to write a cute kissing scene but i can't because you guys only know me as the mario kart with ur mouth girl and idk it's fun to write fluffy smut.

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