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"what?" the scene in front of me made absolutely no sense. schlatt crying, and charlotte the girl that I vented to about him for months, comforting him. the 'cat' I thought I was holding, was just a ratty old towel. god, i must be going insane. i first walk over to schlatt and tap him lightly. he just looks up at me confused. okay, he was real, i could definitely feel the muscle and bone in his arm. charlotte was actually comforting him, no way i could imagine her in such great detail with a little wet stain on her shoulder, presumably from where schlatt was crying. 

"i- clementine i'm so sorry," schlatt attempts to apologize, but i just ignore him. i nod my head out of anger and just walk out back to the living room, where someone stands in the doorway. i recognize the lanky figure as levi. i run towards him and pull him into a hug.

"clementine? you left this at my house, he says, handing me a long brown overcoat. i continue to cry into his shoulder as he walks us into charlottes house, sitting us down on the couch. he looks me up and down and then puts his hands lightly on my shoulders, and stares me in the eyes. i immediately dodge eye contact, and he says something lightly, the brown overcoat still resting on his knee. 

"clementine, breathe. take a breath in, and then take one out. okay, now wipe your face, and we can talk about it," i take his advice, breathing slowly and carefully. my eyes shift around, still somewhat panicking, but after a while, i calm down. levi seems to have a calming presence that i just can't wrap my head around. 

"can we go to your house,   i feel so cramped in here," the breath i inhale next is hot, forcing my lungs to expand hard and fast. it felt like i had a fever, but the fever was crushing my whole body along with it. sweat feels like it drips down my forehead, but i don't know. i shut my eyes tight and when i open them I'm outside, the rain drizzling on my head. i look around for levi, but i don't see him. it's just me, the rain, and the hard concrete. my eyes shift around again as i try to figure out what happened. did levi bring me out here? it wasn't raining before. and why are there no cars? standing up i realize it's just me on the concrete and nothing else around me. my hands are wet like I'm actually outside, but nobody is here. except for one person.

eddie walks up to me and stares down. his face is pale, and his stubble is worse than before, his black hair standing prominently from his white face. a small bit of blood dribbles down his chin, but he wipes it away. his outfit is the same as when i- he died. a pair of blue jeans and a neon green shirt stained with... blood. his blood. the blood that came out of him when i shot him. i had a pretty good aim for an eight-year-old, as the bullet entered right near his heart. it probably killed him. he reaches an arm down to me, and i scoot away from him. behind him i see my mom standing timidly. i pull myself to my feet and start running to her. every step i take is painful, but i work through it, forcing myself to get to her, to see her again. my arm reaches out to see her and she falls to the ground in pain. she screams for me to help her and i fall to the ground with her, trying to grab her. when i open my eyes though, I'm back on the couch with levi, except charlotte is next to me, and levi is supporting my neck. i twist around. where is my mom?

"clementine, we think you just had a panic attack. its okay, take a deep breath, and take your time," levi says to me quietly. i take another breath and sit up. i think i'm doing alright. 

"where is she?" i hear a deeper voice say from behind me. charlotte looks at the voice with a painfully. 

"i don't think she wants to talk to you," levi says, his harsh words contradict his nice demeanor. i can guess that schlatt is behind me.,

"no its fine, let him over hear," levi cradles my head as i strain to look up to schlatt. as soon as he leans down, i slap him in the face. as hard as i can. he immediately jumps backwards, falling onto his back. 

i immediately lose my hand privileges as charlotte grabs me. schlatt stands up, looking calmer than ever and just quietly says, 

"i deserved that,"


written and directed on my computer :)

anyways, i might make a twitch hmu if you'd follow. i would b a very bad twitch streamer but its okay :000

anyways first of three updates

815 words about two hours to write

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