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That's where Rose was. She was back in the place she never wanted to remember.

"Rose?" Stephan asked concerned.

"This is my hell."


She looked at Dr. Strange, with absolutely no kind of emotion. She was numb.



"I was held captive for years," I began to walk around the lab.

"I don't remember anything. Only being captured and held captive in 1953," She felt scared, defeated and lost.

"I-I can still hear my screams," she said deep in thought.

"How old were you, Rose?"

"I had just turned 19 in October of that year."

"What did they do to you?"

"Numerous of experimental trials on me. One after another. Year after year. They erased my memories. I only remember my time here. Anything before and after nothing," I said.

"Did you know Bucky?"

"No. I didn't even know he existed."

"So did the experiments give you the power?"

"Yes but not before the countless of failed experiments. And as you can tell it stopped me from aging as well."

At this point Dr. Strange just looked at her with silence, allowing her to go at her own pace.

"It was pure luck for them."

I look up at him, straight in his eyes. Pain was written all over her face.

"They're purple, your eyes," he said confused.

"The ground beneath me began to shake. I thought troops had finally came to destroy the Hydra base. I was ready to die, for it all to be over. But the end didn't come."

Rose felt the felt the tears rolling down her face. She began to walk further into the Hyrda base. Remembering all the things that were done to her. The electricity frying her brain.

She can vividly feel the needles going to her arms, into her veins.

"For 3 days I went without being experimented on. I thought they were dead. But my hope ran out on the 4th day, they barged inside my cell and dragged me back to the lab."

"What did they find?"

"They strapped me down but this time it was different. It was tighter, it was digging into my skin. My arms, wrists, ankles, legs, abdomen even across my hips."

At this point she was just talking out loud. She forgot that Dr. Strange was there.

"They electrified my brain non-stop for hours. I had completely given up when they were practically done."


Unknown Hyrda Base, 1956

"Is everything ready? Are we finally ready for the final phase?" Stefer, the captain of this Hydra base said as he walked in.

"Yes sir, everything is set. All she needs is the serum. We finally will have our weapon," the scientists say.

"Excellent. Begin the final stage."

"You! Bring the serums!" The scientist yelled.

A soldier ran out and came back with 3 jars of purple and yellow serum. Two men came down to the table where I was and placed one needle in both of arms.

His Girl (Bucky Barnes Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now