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I pull up to the compound and I almost forgot just how big it is. I've only been gone for a couple weeks but it does feel like forever. I make my way inside and it's completely empty.

"Where the hell is everyone?" I whisper to myself.

I head into the lab in hopes to find Tony but no luck. I do however see Bruce.

"Hey stranger," I say and Bruce quickly whips his head to me.

"Oh my god, Rose!" Bruce smiles. He stops what he's doing and makes his way toward me. He embraces me into a friendly hug.

This seems so unlike Bruce. He's not the one to hug me first. But it felt nice, I think I needed this more than I thought.

"I guess you missed me?" I chuckle.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened," Bruce apologizes.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's not like you knew he was coming back," I say.

"Listen Rose, I did know but I tried my best looking for you to tell you. I chewed out Tony for participating in this. I'm sorry, I couldn't warn you soon," Bruce explains.

I would be mad at Bruce but I know Bruce would never agree to this whole situation. He's too considerate to go against my word no matter how much he got pressure from the others.

"I believe you Bruce," I smile at him.

"I'm sorry this even happened to you. The guys should have respected your decision. I can't believe Steve thinks he had some sort of 'right' to know. It baffles me," Bruce says.

"It baffles me too," I say.

"Natasha told me about the real reason he left. Are you okay?" Bruce asks.

"I am. I don't care if he left me for some other woman. He deserves to have everything he wanted. It's just he left during a time, I needed support. It's like he threw a 5 year friendship down the drain," I say.

"I understand. At least you had Natasha and Bucky."

"Yeah," I say.

"I'm sorry. I heard about Bucky's part in this whole thing. How is that going?"

"You know despite everything, Bucky's part in this whole thing is what hurt me the most. I trusted and believed him you know?" I say sadly.

"Try talking to him. Everyone's noticed how much he's changed. You know he went back to his own ways," Bruce says.

"He isolated himself again didn't he?" I say.

"Yeah. Doesn't talk to anyone," Bruce says concerned.

It took me weeks to get him to open up. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad that he isn't letting anyone in. Maybe Bruce is right, I should probably talk to him.

"Did you know he's been having nightmares?" Bruce asks.

My head never whipped so fast in my life like now. Nightmares? He has nightmares? Since when? He never told me that he had nightmares. I can't necessarily be offended because I did the same thing to him. I didn't tell him about my own nightmares.

Bucky and I really did go through the same things. I just found it odd, all those nights we spent together there were no signs of nightmares. Did he pretend to be asleep all those times? Maybe it explains that one time he came into my room scared and covered in sweat.

He made me promise to never let him sleep alone. Did he have a nightmare that night?

"I didn't know," I say.

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