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After seeing them leave together, I couldn't help but feel a shit load of anger and jealousy. I have no right to feel this way, especially after what I said to her but I couldn't help it.

She's mine.

Only mine.

When they walked out the room, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Steve's right, Rose doesn't look at him as anything but a friend. Thor on the other hand, god the way he looks at her makes my blood boil.

I've never felt this possessive over anyone like I do with Rose. Despite what I said it was all for her own damn safety. I know I fucken messed up but I would do absolutely anything to protect my girl. She'll always be mine to protect.

It hurt the shit out of my soul when I said all those things to her. Actually I don't know what hurt the worse, saying those things to her, finding out she left or being away from her for so long. Come to think of it, it all hurt the same.

I can't help but think back to that night. One of the worst nights of my life. When I almost lost her, I have never felt that angry and scared in my life before. I wanted to murder them for what they did. Not as the Winter Soldier but as myself.

James Buchanan Barnes.

That night is embedded deep into my mind. Her face, her voice, the smell of her blood will never leave my mind. A couple weeks after she left, Steve noticed my change of behavior and confronted me about it.


"I gave you as much time as I can and you still haven't came to me. What's going on Bucky?" Steve says as he walks into my room.

The only person, aside from Rose, I can trust is Steve.

"I-I did it to keep her safe," I let out.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asks confused.

I reached into my pocket and took out the bullet Strange had given me. I look down at it, I kept it with me all this time as a reminder to continue looking for them.

I hold out the bag to Steve, as he takes a look at it. He recognizes it. It's the same bullet I told him about. The same ones I used when I was the Winter Soldier.

"Hydra?" Steve asks in disbelief.

"They want the Winter Soldier back."

"Bucky what the hell did you do?" Steve looks at me.

I looked at him and let out a deep breath. I sit down on my bed before I tell him about everything.

**Night Of Shooting**

I watched as Klaw exited through the back door. I look back to the door he came out of to make sure Rose, Sam and Lang came out safely. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I reach for it after the third vibrate. I look at the caller ID and see Rose's name flashing. My heart starts to race as different scenarios start to run through my mind.

"What the fuck?" I whisper completely confused.

I quickly steps outside, "Rose? Are you okay doll?"

"привет солдат." (Hello Soldier)

My blood ran cold as I heard those words from the other line. I hadn't heard those words in such a long time. How the hell are they calling me with Rose's phone?

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