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It's been a week since Bucky's left and it feels like a month. We try to text every morning and he calls me at every night. I told him to focus on the mission that I'll be okay, but he insists on calling me ever night.

We always end up falling asleep on the phone with one another. Which I find cute because when Bucky is with me, he's all sweet and loving but when's alone he's all broody and a "meany" , according to Sam. I'm brought out of my thought when my name is called.

"Rose?" The lady calls.

I quickly grab my things and walk over to her. She smiles at me and gestures for me to make my way in. She leads me to a room and I take a seat.

She grabs her notebook and sits across from me.

"Rose, I am Dr. Christina Raynor," She introduces herself and I just look at her trying to read her.

I continue to look at her and try to read her mind to see if she's someone I can truly trust.

"Rose, I can ensure you, you can trust me. Tony already advised me to keep my guard up with you. I'm the 3rd therapist you've seen in less than a week," she points out.

Okay. So I don't trust everyone. I mean I've never really had someone to trust aside the people I have now. I stay quiet and unsure what to say or if I should say anything at all.

Maybe this was a mistake...

"Look Rose. There has to be a reason why you wanted to see a therapist. Tony doesn't strike me as a 'lets try a therapist' type of guy. There's a reason on why you wanted to try this," she says.

She's right. Tony was immediately hesitate on agreeing to see a therapist. So for him to go out of his way really shows me that he wants to help me.

The last two therapists just sat in their seats in silence, squirming under my gaze. Too afraid to talk or make a sound. But this one is actually calling me out and wants me to talk. Refusing to back down.

"Where do I start? I've never really exactly done this before," I say sarcastically.

"Start with what do you want to gain from this," she says.

I stay silent and many things come to mind.

"I...I want to finally be able to sleep without having to have these nightmares," I whisper.

"Tell me about them."

I quickly look up her and study her face. Can I even trust her to tell her about my past? What I went through? No. I can't.

"About Thanos," I told her.

"You fought Thanos. Twice."

"I can't get the images out of my head," I begin to say.

She doesn't say anything, allowing me to continue at my own pace. "I can't erase the image of them disappearing. Him disappearing," I whisper the last part.

I continue to tell her about what's been bothering me for the last 6 years. How I felt the guilt of letting everyone down when Thanos managed to accomplish what he set out to do, the first time.

How seeing Thor kill him, when we found him in space, hadn't worked with the guilt.

"But you brought everyone back," she says.

"Yeah 5 fucken years later!" I shout.

She doesn't flinch at my tone, she just looks at me. I let out a chuckle realizing that she managed to get me to talk in less than 30 minutes. She's good...really good.

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