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Hey y'all! I'm really sorry for being gone for so long... for like the millionth time now. But I feel like I owe you guys an explanation, plus an update on this story's status.

So, for the past year or two (okay, maybe three), the grand majority of my time and energy for writing has been directed to a different fanfic, one I've finally began publishing because I wanted to write enough for it so that I can post consistently, as this book is just proof of how bad my posting schedule can be. While that one's been making great progress (despite also having just entered a hiatus after three months of weekly updates and getting past the first half of the story), in turn I've been neglecting this story.

But onto the good news! The reason I'm making this update right now is because, after two years (Yeah, you read that right. Two goddamned years), I finally made a full outline on this book's storyline after some mild inspiration mysteriously hit me like a truck. Before today, I had no idea what I'd do beyond maybe chapter 8, but now, I've got a rough draft good enough to extend up to 20 chapters!

I really want to finish this story. Both for closure and for you guys, because I know how much it sucks to start reading a new story only to find out it was left unfinished. However, that's still over two thirds of the story I have yet to write, so y'all are gonna have to take the title's advice and keep waiting, just a little longer. However! Chapter 6 should be out shortly (give or take a week), PLUS there are a few ways you could help me out. I want to hear you guys out on a few things...

• What are your hopes and expectations for this story so far?
• Is there anything in particular you'd like to see happen?
• If you could change or add one thing to the story so far, what would that be?
• How's the pacing feeling? Too slow? Too fast...?
• Any other comments, suggestions, advice, etc.?

Remember! All ideas are welcome, (yes, even that one you're hesitating to comment right now. Just do it! Be it brutally honest, incredibly specific or flat-out ridiculous, whatever! I really don't mind! Just comment it!) and it would only take you a few seconds to make my day :')

If you can answer even one of the questions on this list, it would mean a lot to me and would help keep the story going.

I don't know how else to convince y'all to leave your comments in here. I just wanna know y'all are still alive!


Thank you guys SO MUCH for your patience. Peace out for now!

— Valkyrie

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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