5. Hope

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"Today's the day," Shiro whispers, holding out his hand to you.

You nod, eyes landing on the tattered cloth wrapped around his wrist as you held his hand. "Let's just hope we've given it enough time." Slowly, you untie the cloth, close your eyes, and summon a vision. You saw Shiro sitting expectantly before you, the sight nearly crystal clear. You could see the individual strands of white tuft that had begun to sprout from his full head of black hair, the details in his dark eyes, and underneath them, his scar.

It was working alright, and it was ready for its first test in the arena. Your lips curl into a smile when you open your eyes. "It's working."

You have Shiro tie the rag around your upper arm, his hands delicately working his way around it. "They won't suspect a thing." He murmured with a smile. Indeed, the cloth blended in smoothly, almost indistinguishable from the color of your actual uniform. He finished tying the rag with the tiniest knot under your arm. "I'm surprised, actually. After so long, I thought the guards would be able to tell when their prisoners are up to something, but I guess the sentries don't have that kind of deciphering programmed into them. I'd even say they're predictable. I've got their shifts and paces memorized by now."

You lift an eyebrow at that last part. "What would you do that for?"

Shiro's pales, pretending he hadn't heard you and now fixated on double-knotting the rag.

"Shiro," You demand, already dreading the answer. "Why would you memorize that?"

"Because I'm not planning on living the rest of my life drifting in space as some morbid form of alien entertainment." He stops knotting, and locks eyes with you. "You can't tell me you've given up on this. We have a chance, I'm sure we do. We just have to play our cards right, wait for the right moment and break out of here! There's some escape pods down the halls, they're not too heavily guarded and—"

"Shiro, just stop!" You turn away from him. "There's no way for us to escape."

"You don't know that." His tone was defensive, almost angry.

"I know because I've tried!"

Shiro's eyes widened, too stunned to utter another word.

You stare back, but then let out a deep breath. "It was a long time ago. I was lost, and alone, with no one to turn to and nowhere to go, but I had hope. As I was being returned to my cell after my latest fight, I found the strength to break free from the guards and race towards the escape pods. I thought I was gonna make it. I had seen it play out in my head over a thousand times. I had it all planned out, and they still got me. They shut down all the pods to prevent my escape, then took me to Haggar to ensure I never tried anything like that again."

"(Y/n) I... I'm sorry that happened to you," Shiro sighed. "But please, try to remember how you felt when you still believed you could make it out. It gave you a purpose, something to look forward to every day. I want to cling onto that feeling, (Y/n), and I know I can make it, but not on my own. I won't leave you behind."

You take a deep breath, still hesitant to give in. "We don't know the Galra, much less their technology. We have no way of knowing what they can or can't do."

"We'll figure it out. We can study their patterns, understand their technology, decode their writing, memorize passwords, anything that's necessary." The enthusiasm was returning to his voice, now more determined than ever to get you on his side.

"It's going to take forever," you protest, inching your hand closer to his. You needed reassurance. You needed to make sure this wasn't some kind of dream, and that Shiro, so full of hope and courage, was actually real, and not just some figment of your imagination. He was so different from the world you'd grown used to, that sometimes it was hard to believe he was real at all.

"We have all the time in the world." He takes your hand into his own and holds it firmly.

Your breath hitched.

"I swear I won't try anything until I'm certain we can both make it out of here." He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "I promise."

You lace your fingers with Shiro's, and smile softly. "Then I'll wait for your signal."


Okay, first off, I want to apologize for taking so long to update this story, and second, I'm sorry you all had to wait OVER HALF A GODDAMNED YEAR only for me to publish the shortest chapter yet. Despite all that, I want to dedicate this short chapter to StarksundeaddaughterLadybug00001CallieCat27, and OwoShirogane. Thank you guys for showing even if the smallest amount of interest in my story. Your comments and messages are what made this chapter possible.

I'll try and have the next chapter up before August ends, if this whole 2020 situation doesn't get any crazier. Hopefully that one will be way longer in order to compensate for this one. 

And that would be all, folks! As always, I appreciate any comments, critiques or questions you leave me, and if you want to, you can look for me on Instagram as vxlkyrie.draws if you ever feel like talking. Hell, if you come to me asking if your OC can get a roll in the story I'll probably say yes, because honestly? It's the least I could do for you guys. I love you guys. Take care.

- Valkyrie

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