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Lunch. It was the one period of the day that Solis could stand.

Other kids would be worried about who to sit with, or where to sit, but Solis and her band never had to worry about that. It was the one time of day that they could jam out without a teacher making a big fuss about all the noise.

Meg and Mads picked the table by the window, which had the perfect view of everyone in the cafeteria. They knew it was Solis's favorite table, she hated having her back to crowds, in some irrational fear that someone would attack her from behind.

The four girls readied their own respective instruments while her brother sat down next to her with his own lunch tray. The siblings gave each other curt nods before Solis went back to tuning her guitar. Ash was already strumming away.

"Oh no," Kyler, the jock walked up to the freak table at the slight sound of music. "We are not doing this again this year," he said firmly, motioning to their instruments.

His goons stood behind him, and gave their own mixture of crossed arms and sickening glares. "Oh yeah? Says who?" Mads shoots, "You?" she questions mockingly.

 "Oh yeah? Says who?" Mads shoots, "You?" she questions mockingly

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"Yeah, says me," he threatened. Except the only problem was, these were four girls— and as douche-y as these jocks are, they wouldn't go as far as trying to fight a bunch of females.

The only other option would be Nero, Solis's brother who sat next to her. Well, at least that would be an option if they weren't deathly afraid of him. He didn't fight often, but when he did, it was with people who deserved an ass whooping— and boy did he fight dirty.

All the jocks remember what Nero did to Bruck's car that he was supposed to get for his birthday. Let's just say it had better use at a scrap lot after he was finished.

Meg, with her best friend, grew sick of them towering the table like they were some punk ass villains. "Hey, Brucks, why don't you go pick on someone your own size?" She gave a sickly sweet smile. "There's a bus in the parking lot."

Three of the girls laughed at this, while Solis tried to hide in her jacket, wanting to be anywhere else. Her brother, on the other hand, started to grow angry with them.

Just as Bruck's was about to lunge at Meg, Kyler held him back— muttering something to him. Nero shot out of his seat, raging, and took a threatening step towards the jockstraps.

"Okay, okay. Cool it man," one of Kyler's yes-men pleaded. "We're going."

Everyone at the freak table looked satisfied at the boys who coward away, back to their own table, and they had the collective thought- the rich kids wouldn't fuck with them for a while.

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