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Everyone knew about the rumors.

Kyler said some nasty things about Sam LaRusso throughout the school day— part of Solis wanted to be upset. Maybe that part was her once crush she had on the girl. But now she couldn't bring herself to feel anything about the situation, because of how the rich girl had been treating everyone around her as of recently.

Solis sat in the bathroom most of the afternoon. Ash was still hooking up with that Eddie kid, Mads didn't come to school today, and Meg was getting on her last nerve.

Her brother, Nero, got sent home early for fighting Brucks in the library— he's not allowed back until next week.

So it was just Solis.

At first she smoked a joint, threw the bud in the toilet, and it kept her occupied for about an hour. Then she listened to music and stared out the bathroom window. Now... now, she has company she would rather not keep.

Moon came into the bathroom with a bag (probably a makeup bag) and started fixing her hair in the mirror. There was a certain tension in the air the minute she entered and saw Solis perched upon the window sill, but she ignored her well enough.

Solis was not blind to the way Moon stole glances at her through the corner of her eye in the reflective glass, after all, she was doing the same thing.

It wasn't until Moon sighed, and turned around, that she had Solis's full attention. "Did you hear what Sam said about me?"

Why she thought Solis cared about her petty friend group drama was not lost on her— "was I supposed to?" She replied.

"She thinks she's so much better than us," Moon ignored her sarcastic comment, going on anyway. "Like she would be anyone if we didn't let her start hanging out us in the first place."

Solis laughed at this. "You can't be serious?" And Moon gave her an unsure look. "Anyone? Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, besides your sad group, no one cares about that popularity bullshit."

"Really?" Moon challenged. "You're going to talk about my friends?"

"It includes you too."

"Me?" She questions incredulously. "What did I ever do?"

"Oh... I don't know," Solis begins to chastise her. "Laughed at that sick post about Aisha. Didn't stick up for Miguel when Kyler beat the shit out of him. Spread rumors about your supposed best friend. And not to mention that sick trick you pulled on me at Eddie's party."

"What trick?"

"With the pen... you let me hit Yasmine's pen and then pretended you had no idea what happened when she started getting bitchy with me."

"I didn't—"

"Speaking of Yasmine," Solis rounds on her. "Don't suppose you went standing up for me either after she called me a dyke."

"Solis, please."

"No, Moon," she gets up from the window sill. "I don't know what the fuck you expected. Coming into the bathroom and trying to have a little girly gossip sesh with me, but that's not who I am. But now... I clearly know who you are—"

"Like you're any better!" She finally snaps. "Walking around with Meg, letting her bully everyone. You're brother just got suspended right? What about Ash? I heard she was the one who made Ms. Puccilio quit last year."

"You know what Moon? Some of us have real fucking problems— not your Encino rich kid shit!"

"Real problems? What like your parents?" Moon reeled back instantly when she realized what she had said— how she let her anger get the best of her and used something against the girl that was almost sickly inhumane. "Wait... Solis—"

But it was too late. Solis, instead of walking out like she usually would, stood right in front of Moon, almost nose to nose. If it wasn't for the circumstances, Moon's breath would have hitched for a different reason. "You're a real bitch, you know that?"

"Solis, I—"

"You think you're so high and mighty because you have a brand new car, with a brand new outfit, and your super cool friends. Well guess what? Everyone can see through your bullshit! You're just a bitch."

Solis was so close to Moon now, so close their chests were touching and Moon could only flush at the contact. "I didn't mean it," she finally squeaked out.

"No, you did," Solis disagreed. "You did mean it, because you said it. You only thought you could get away with it, because no one has ever put you in your place before..."

And before Solis knew it— whether it was against her own will or she was following just that, she had Moon by the back of her neck, pressing her lips firmly on the girls. "Maybe someone's gotta put you in your place every once and a while."

Moon kissed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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