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TAKING a deep breath Theo tried to calm the uncontrollable tremble in his fingers; they refused to stop, they shook like all hell's descended upon him. Has all hell descended upon him? He stared out into the inky darkness beyond the cold glass, surely this had been part of what he was expecting?

No, no, he hadn't dreamt of such a fantastical nightmare as this.

This went beyond all boundaries.

If only he had a weapon... the things he would do to this lunatic... Blood and flashing teeth swelled into a crescendo before his eyes, and he drew his fingers through his hair roughly, staring at the poltergeist of a man reflected in the glass.

"Where are you taking me?"

The only reply was a deep but shaky intake of breath from besides him. Ripping his gaze from his own reflection, he stared at the man next to him. The spiral of madness and violence has been uprooted from his sharp features. So clean was the illusion that Alexandr seemed utterly calm, brows neutral, lips relaxed, eyes focused straight forward on the road. There was no trace of the beast that had taken hold of him except for the rusting red on his shirt and clenched hands on the wheel.

The signs had vanished like smoke, but Theo could still smell it - the sweet tang of iron threaded through the musk of cologne, a constant, aching threat. He had underestimated it all, and he had no plan C, no plan B, god, he hadn't even had a proper plan A to begin with. To an extent, they'd gotten easier, the choices. It was either go along with it or get the hell away from these fuckers. To put in practice? Hah, well, it wasn't funny.

"Where are you taking me?" He demanded again.

Alexandr's knuckle cracked sharply, and the car hurdled smoothly through a red-light.

"My house."

A single hoarse line and nothing else. Ding! 32%.

"And you think you can keep me there?" Theo said darkly.

A deep, soul-striking laugh dropped from Alexandr's mouth, and he shook his head faintly, "You got onto this car on your own will."

    "Let me down, now."

    The car continued rushing along the empty road; Alexandr didn't so much as even look towards him.

    Theo's jaw tightened, and his voice grew lower, "Let me down now, that is my will."

    Alexandr's lips lifted like the cruel curve of a knife.

The curl of his lip taunted Theo, the deepened corners, the mocking curve, it ripped through his mind, overlapping with the blood and the pain. The small ounce of sense and awareness slipped into oblivion, and he could think of nothing but the evident ridicule ringing through the car, under the white light of the police station, in the cold dark of the apartment which was his haven, which was supposed to be his warmth!

How dare he.

How dare they.

Again and again and again, didn't he deserve a respite? Why should he waste time playing along with this ridiculous game? Who did that Setton man think he was?

    This world should just go to hell.

Theo's fingernails tore into the soft black leather of the seat, something was growing beneath his skin, rushing through his veins. The same something that tore into him as he sunk his teeth into skin and tissue. It burrowed its claws into his chest, wrapped itself around the organ that pumped blood through his vessel, now, no longer blood - bullets and knives.

Do it. Do it. Do it. All the things that you buried within you out of trepidation, do them.

The fever gripped each piece of bone, now, his hands weren't shaking out of fear, no,  He grit his teeth to keep it from coming out, but it was no use, the tang of Alexandr's scent coating his teeth smothered him. In this small dark box, there was nothing but that man, that man he wanted to tear apart and destroy. He wanted to sink his fingers into that man's flesh and watch as each sinew tore into feathery shreds, as he screamed. And this world, this whole world should go up in flames, and burn and burn until nothing but ash is left.

    Do it. Do it. Do it. There's nothing left. Why should you care? They're all fake anyway.

"Aren't there other things you want to ask me?"

This time, it was Theo who laughed, a shrill whistle-like puff that burst like flying shrapnel through the air.

"I don't care."

Theo's reason and his smouldering impulse coalesce into a ball of molten heat rising from his chest to his head. It was true; it became all the more true once the words left his mouth, imparting their meaning on the world so much so that they've gained physicality - shards of glass.

He didn't care a fucking ounce.

Alexandr's face darkened, his brows pulling slightly taunt at the centre. Now, he wore it all on his face, his displeasure, his sadism, if sadism ever had an expression, his frustration.

What right did Alexandr have to be angry?

He wanted to dig his fingers into that wretched face and rip off that expression of unhappiness. It was He, Theo, who was stuck in this god-awful game with a bunch of lunatics, not Alexandr. He was the one who had to watch Mariah die, he was the one who had to run around like a panicked rabbit, he was the one who had his house broken into, and he was the one who had been attacked. Even now, his stomach ached, with every breath, it spiked a lance of pain through his gut.

The reigning darkness outside, Alexandr's strained features, the black leather dashboard, everything spun and swum into a maze of red and flashing white, there was nothing left in his ear but the thump of his heart racing.

Why had he been scared in the first place?

Do it.

Theo leapt towards Alexandr and snatched the wheel from him with a hard jerk. The car swerved uncontrollably to the left with a tremendous squeak of the tires.

"Fuck!" Alexandr shouted, smashing an elbow towards Theo and releasing the pedal.

But before the car could halt to a spinning stop, Theo's fist smashed into Alexandr's face, wrenching him sideways. The foot came slamming down on the pedal again, and the car shot forwards with a lurch. Panic and exhilaration burst like a bonfire within Theo's chest; his hand shot forwards to spin the wheel back, but Bam! The car crunched through something hard and unyielding, the windshield cracking into a thousand broken spiderwebs.

    For a moment, the car seemed to stop.

    But it didn't. It tipped forwards into an oblivion with a yawning cry, and they were falling down and down. Theo's heart burst within his chest, and all he could think was 'This is what happens when I lose control' before darkness swallowed his mind.


A/N: Yes, I'm back and no, I'm sorry, updates will kinda be sporadic and random... Sorryyyyyy!

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