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"GET off me." Theo seethed, hands scrabbling against the soaked bed.

A low chuckle radiated against his skin as the tongue withdrew and the scrape of teeth fizzled through his flesh. Heated hands slipped under his rumpled shirt, sliding up and down the length of his body with meticulous scrutiny, dipping into each crevice and arc. He couldn't help but shiver at the contact, fingernails railing the squelching red until they were all but dyed red. Will all great Neptune wash this blood clean from my hands?

Bucking hard against the pressure that pushed him down, Theo murmured again, voice cracked and harsh, "Get off me."

Those feverish hands tightened painfully around his waist, the edges of Keir's nails digging deep mercilessly into his strained muscles. Unyielding, each tendon of his flesh screamed to surrender to this unyielding grasp. Some remnants of their animal instinct yelled for him to extend his neck, flatten his tail, expose his belly to this predator, to yield. To yield. His arms trembled and softened, spine lowering and losing strength, but rise, why wouldn't he rise? Why wouldn't his body obey him?

Fight! Flee! But this cumbersome flesh refused, and even as adrenaline pumped through his rushing blood and every image, the blood, the girl, the shroud of hair sharpened into focus, he could do neither.

Keir sighed slowly, his breath brushing across the back of Theo's neck again and again like a caress.

"Alexandr did well this time, but tell me," A hand withdrew from within his shirt and fingered his hair absentmindedly, "is this your natural colouring?"

The words bounced off the walls of Theo's mind, what did he want to hear? But he couldn't think, everything was just  a jumbled mess of tangled spider thread. What did this man want to hear? He knew nothing.


"Mmnn." Keir murmured against the back of his neck, "Did you know that I couldn't find your face anywhere? Not even on the cameras... all deleted."

The knee lifted, and Keir pulled away, the rush of cold air taking his place to embrace Theo's body. He took a slow, measured breath and clambered upright, trying not to look at the crimson rubbed into his shirt and hands.

One, two, three, four, five, each number pulsed through his head and calmed the hammering of his heart in his ears.

"It doesn't matter, I'll find out soon enough." Keir stepped to the floor, sliding on a pair of black briefs from beneath another lopsided pillow.

One, two... Theo's jaw clenched, and he climbed shakily off the bed. The moment Keir finds out, he's doomed with no way out. Will he stab him to death again? Or, will he watch him bleed out on the floor?

Keir turned towards him, eyes darker than his hair and fixed upon him, drowning all light, devouring all flesh. It was as if he held his very heart within his hands, watching the contraction of the muscles, daring it to stop. Yes, Theo's fingers tightened, he looked at him as if he was just a slab of meat. They'd never been on the same level, how could they when Kei saw him only as a dog, or worse, an ant - crushable and replaceable?

"Dispose of the body." Keir pointed at the girl on the bed.

Every cell in Theo's body froze. He stared at the fine-boned finger, and all of a sudden, he didn't know what it meant.

"Don't make me repeat myself." Keir took a step forward, his expressionless face taking over Theo's entire view, "There's an incinerator in the garden, go."

Theo stared at the impeccable features of the man's face, feet backing away one step after another until the bed pressed against his calves. As his mind struggled to comprehend the words, the face and the voice and the intention split into separate entities. The face - a god of a man without flaw, an art piece dedicated to the world. The voice - a lifeless machine to express the man's wishes whether true or false. The intent - evil cruelty that knew no bounds. How strange. Was he in shock?

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