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   THEO snapped backwards - the man by his side regarded him with a curious concern, half in the tilted shoulders, half in the warm blue of his eyes.

    "Are you feeling ok?" A gentle, soothing voice like the notes of a cello floated into his ears.

    There was no electric call, no notification, no artificial voice telling him 'capture target met'.

    This man was not one of them even though his eyes were the brightest shade of blue he'd ever seen, glittering with light as if fragments of diamonds were embedded inside that gaze. Silky tendrils of black hair that escaped his pomade brushed his brow in tousled deference, and although the thin lines that lined his eyes betrayed his age, they did nothing to mar his countenance, only magnified the air around him.

    Straightening, Theo waved his hand, adjusting his slipping shirt, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, really."

    "Well then, that's good to hear." The man nodded, smiled and extended a hand, "Wilhelm Somerset."

    Theo couldn't help but cock an eyebrow, "Theodore Harrow."

    Wilhelm's palm was warm and dry, and he gripped Theo's hands firmly with an unmistakable confidence.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you." Wilhelm said warmly, eyes skimming across the black leather leash, "How are you find—

    "HEY! YOU!" Leo's distinct drawl reverberated along the walls like a pulse.

    Theo gave Wilhelm an apologetic smile and turned to face the little lion that pranced up the corridor, flashing the glory of his jewellery under the warm light.

    "What is it?" He asked unkindly.

    Leo's eyes flickered between Wilhelm and Theo like a squash ball, a sly smile expanding across his rosy lips, "Oh your master won't be happy to see this."

    The fizzle of old irritation sparked back within Theo's blood, "And, I would suggest that you stay quiet."

    "I can do anything I want." Leo stared up, eyes flashing.

    "Oh, yeah, you can do whatever you want." Theo repeated drily.

    Leo's eyes narrowed into slits, fingers balling into tight fists by his side, "You think I don't know anything do you? I'm not brainless." He cocked his head to one side, "I dare say you don't know why your master likes brunettes, otherwise you wouldn't be looking like that."

    "Oh so you know?" Theo cast a glance over the slim boy and rubbed his forehead, "I'm not calling you brainless, but I dare say you wouldn't be dressed like that if you knew Keir at all."

    The name protruded out of his lips like an old slab of meat, and he couldn't help but cast a quick glance at Wilhelm who, thankfully, was studying one of the paintings on the wall. Clever man.

    Leo's eyelashes fluttered as he looked to the floor, thinking before speaking for once, "So," He replied finally, "You don't want to know?"

    The words he prepared withered on his tongue, and he stared at the square panelling enclosing them on all sides.

"...With a face like that..."

This was a prison. He was stuck like an ant inside a box. Perhaps, Leo was right, he did know more than him, perhaps any of those dazed dolls in that room knew more than him about the prison guards of this cell.

"Why does he?" Theo relinquished.

The familiar foxy glint resurfaced in Leo's honey eyes, "Not telling you!"

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