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THEO tore at his legs, but it was a futile move. He could not free his thighs from the black metal rod Keir fixed upon them, the straps were too many, too out of reach for his swimming mind to work out. And there, Keir stood, eyes fixed on the gaping space between his legs - held aloft and unable to close. He could not look, not at himself, not at the contents of the box.

Keir drew his tongue along his canines, a flash of red against the shining white in the dim light. He made no sound, he made no comment, only stared with eyes glazed like lacquered wood and mouth slightly apart. Anticipation, anxiety, it was as if he forced himself to look upon the thing he'd longed for just to feel the agonising need - a measure of how long he could wait before he snapped. It was a test of control.


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Theo didn't mind if he waited for all eternity. He could wait as long as he liked, he could wait all the way to his death and beyond his grave.

The man moved, the moment of drawn and bated breath snapped. It was over. Keir trailed a finger down his thigh, down, down to the round of his butt and in, in — he shivered, it landed perfectly on that private, puckered place. Poking at it almost teasingly, Keir smiled easily, digging his nails in the tender flesh then releasing his force then performing that task again in that meticulous pressure and pinch.

Impulses of electricity and shame wove themselves tightly with Theo's heart, he twitched and jerked, but every time, Keir could find the right place without hesitation.

"For fuck's sake," He couldn't help it anymore, "hurry up."

Keir's eyes snapped to his brow rising in displeasure, "Who are you to order me?"

He pinched the tender flesh with a punishing squeeze, lips twisted into something that ignited a swell of dread in Theo's chest.

"Seeing as you are so impatient..." Keir trailed off.

    Something cold sparked against his skin, and a wretched tearing pain broke through the centre of him as something unyielding and hard forced its way inside. Straining his abdomen, he lifted his head, but no matter how he turned, he could not see a fraction of what Keir was doing to him. A faint tremble worked its way through his skin. Just what was he doing?

    That foreign Thing moved slowly and achingly painfully through him, again, again, up, down, up, down, he could feel it go. There was nothing but discomfort, his body screamed for him to expel that thing, and his anus contracted accordingly, but it would not come out, it moved of its own accord against him.

    A light laugh bloomed from Keir's lips as he stared at Theo through the gap.

    A second sharpness pierced that privacy, and this time, Theo jerked away against the deep rooted pain that forced itself through with the first. Keir grabbed Theo's ankle with one hand and yanked him back down the bed without mercy. Yanked down to those things penetrating his insides - there was no mercy with those things , they did not move in slow reverence, no they forced themselves deeper, carving their shape into the inside, and he couldn't help but feel the outline of their form invade the ache.

    Theo gritted his teeth, sweat dribbling weakly down his forehead like a droplet of rain. A third squeezed between the two, and he could almost feel his anus swell, anymore, anymore and he might tear. They were Keir's fingers, he registered faintly through the buzz of pain and strangeness, they were pushing into him one joint at a time.

    With one push, they entered deeper than before, and the next, they completely departed, leaving his anus to contract achingly against the cold air. Theo took a deep breath, but before that breath could even spiral out, the tip of something bitingly cold pierced into that space. His fingers dug into the sheets, and he tried to bite back a cry, but the invading coldness expanded larger and larger, much larger than the fingers before so much so that he swore he could feel a trickle of blood sweep down his thigh.

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