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    BLACK spots spun in Theo's vision, inking away Alexandr's manic smile.

    "You're— crazy." He choked out, grappling against the pain pulsing through his neck.

    Alexandr shook his head, chuckling, "This is nothing, there are much worse out there, much much worse."

    Loosening his grip on Theo's throat, Alexandr pinned down his arms instead. A gasp ripped from his mouth, and he drank the cold air down, each breath searing the inside of his throat like a brand. Get out, get out, he had to get out, call the police, get away from this god damned lunatic.

    "The one you just met," Alexandr lowered his head, choking cologne and gaze forcing their way through his open mouth, "She's much w—

    Theo lifted his body and sunk his teeth into the other man's exposed neck. Harder, harder, harder, he squeezed his jaw, salty iron dribbling down his teeth into his mouth.

    "Aghhr!" An animal growl rumbled from the back of Alexandr's throat.

    The force pressing down on his wrists lightened for a second, and he fought upwards, driving his knuckles blindly into Alexandr's abdomen, teeth still ripping into the side of that overwhelming musk scented neck. The wall that was Alexandr's body began to give way, but before Theo could fully knock his weight off his body, Alexandr's hands dug into Theo's shoulders, a stab of pain jabbing sharply behind his knee.


    Theo crashed to the floor, teeth tearing out from Alexandr's neck. Molten warmth spattered on the side of his face, burning hot, hot like Mariah's blood when she crumpled before him. He gasped for breath, kicking his legs upwards, bucking against Alexandr.


    All the air left his lungs, he arched his back, wheezing. Alexandr's knee dug deeper into his abdomen, kneecap forcing down, down, down— that gaze was hungry, ferocious, without a spark of clarity, dark ichor dripped down the side of his neck, a tainted glory that painted him into a beast; there was no pain in his fierceness, there was no pain in the eyes that stared down at him.

There was only the fizzing, sizzling heat of blood and violence that threatened to explode into tragedy.

Alexandr bared his teeth and pinning Theo down into the floor with so much strength he threatened to mould him into the floorboards, he leaned over and tore into the base of Theo's throat.

"UHHHGR!" Theo yelled, back writhing against the floor.

Pain ripped through Theo's neck, and he twisted against Alexandr's rough hands and knee, but the burning heat that leaked from his neck and the pain, the agonising pain that tore up his throat scared him. He could feel the gradual slide of teeth deeper, deeper into his igniting flesh, and the edges of his vision flashed black. His mind warped and screamed empty, there was only a single thought:

He was going to be devoured.

Sweat, tears, blood, it didn't matter, salty warmth dribbled into his mouth, and he yelled, jerking his legs up, he yelled at the top of his lungs. He wasn't going to go out like this, he refused! Not now, not here.

Alexandr released his jaw, that dark ichor dribbling all over his teeth and chin. His lips cracked into a brutal smile and his tongue licked each inch of his blood-coated teeth clean, "YOU ARE MINE! NOT THEIRS, ONLY MINE!"

Ding! 20%.

Growling from the back of his throat, Alexandr leaned down again, his musk and hot breath coating the air between them. Theo braced for the pain to come, but a sticky warmth coated the jagged edges of his frayed skin, Alexandr licked his wound, sucking with every breath, drinking down his blood as if it was his only sustenance. As if, it was something that belonged truly and wholly to him.

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