Chapter 1

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It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, in relaxing days like these, skeletons like them, are strangely not making any mayhem.

It was noon and everything is peaceful.

The meme squad was relaxing inside their base. They played video games and all sorts of entertainment. They were watching the news as well.

"According to the weather forecast, there will be a snowstorm in two days and it will last for about two to three months," said the weather monster. He looked very nervous as well. "There might be a possibility that it will last for have a year so please stay at home."

"Wow, a snowstorm?" Cross murmured. "How unlucky..."

"At least the JR wouldn't go looking for us during a weather like this," said Nightmare. "Snowstorms are no joke."

"Nightmare's right, Cross," said Error as he drank some coffee. "We can also relax inside."


Meanwhile in the Justice Reign, Dream Von Licht, leader of the JR was doing paperwork. There wasn't as many as before so he was able to get everything done quickly.

Blue came in and Dream just groaned.

"Do you need anything, Blue?" Dream asked, annoyed.

"Well... maybe we should hang out~" Blue replied in a flirty voice.

"N-" Dream was interrupted when Ink came into the office. He had scratches and bruises all over his skull.

"Blue pushed me down the f*cking stairs!" Ink shouted.

"Push is such a strong word, I would say I gave you a little nudge," Blue replied.

"Well I'll give you a nudge when I shove my feet up your a$$!" Ink frowned.

"Hey, don't f*cking swear in front of the Lord," Blue smirked.

Ink look at Blue, took out a vial containing his emotion paint, drank the red one and summoned his brush and the two skeletons got into a huge fight.

"Why do I live like this..." Dream muttered while rubbing his forehead. He took out his claymore and went to stop the fight.

After Dream managed to separate the two idiotic fighting skeleton, Ink asked, "Hey boss, have you heard the news yet?"

"About the snowstorm, yes I have," Dream replied. "And my brother and his friends are bound to go out making mischief in a weather like that. So we better be ready to capture them."


The meme squad were planning a new prank to pull in the Justice Reign castle.

"How about a sticky meatball prank?" Cross suggested.

"That is a great idea!" Nightmare exclaimed. "We can stick the JR soldiers to anything! Plus, maybe we can stick Ink, Blue and Dream to each other or something like that."

"Then let's go make it!" said Cross excitedly. "I want to prank Ink so badly!"

"Then let's start making those meatballs!" Nightmare exclaimed.

"How about when the snowstorm passes," said Error. "For now, we need to get some sleep. Especially you Nightmare. You really need to do something about your insomnia."

"Fine Mama Ruru!" said Nightmare and Cross in unison.

All three of them headed to their rooms to get some rest.

During The SnowstormWhere stories live. Discover now