Chapter 4

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"Come back here!" Dream screamed at the Meme Squad.

"Never in your whole life you oversized piece of chicken!" Cross screamed back.

"Hurry!" Error shouted.

The JR somehow caught up with them and they have a huge fight.


The Meme Squad was hiding in the cave. Fortunate, they had just escaped the JR. Unfortunately before they escaped, they had a huge combat with them and now they are all injured.

Error quickly used a match he bought to light a fire to keep him and his friends' bones warm.

Error only had a few scratches but his HP wasn't affected. So that means he doesn't need much help.

Cross is slightly injured, so he just needs to eat some food to get his HP back up. But other than that, he's fine.

Lastly, there is Nightmare. He is the one who was the most injured since he fought Dream. He had scratches and bruises all over him. Some were bleeding.

Nightmare checked Cross just in case there was something wrong.

HP: 150

Nightmare sighed, feeling relieved. Cross was still okay. He handed Cross a chocolate bar and Cross immediately munched on it and his HP went back up.

"Night, you should heal yourself," said Cross, worried. "Let me check you."

Cross pressed onto Nightmare's chest and the health bar came out.

HP: 15 / 100

Cross and Error look at each other with a worried look on their faces. Nightmare's HP was very low.

"Next time maybe I should fight Dream," Cross suggested as Error agreed. Nightmare on the other hand was not really on board with Cross fighting his brother.

Nightmare was about to heal himself and eat some food until he heard something or someone.

"I see some light over there! The Meme Squad must be there!" They heard Ink's voice not so far away from the cave.

"Oh no... RUN!!!" Nightmare shrieked.

They all took off. They heard more voices.

"I see them! Follow them now!" They heard Dream shouting.

The Meme Squad kept in running, they did not look back.

"Why are we so unlucky today?!" Cross cried.

"I don't know!" Error cried back.

After a few minutes of running, the Meme Squad began to feel tired. The JR also looks like they are exhausted as well.

The Squad found themselves next to a lake, or what it used to be. Now it's a gigantic ice rink.

When they saw the Justice Reign came running towards them, the Squad immediately went into the ice. They were trying their best not to slip on the slippery ice.

The Justice Reign did not hesitate to go onto the ice to capture them, regardless if it was safe or not.

They all had their weapons out. Dream, Ink and Blue were having a little difficulty trying to get to Nightmare, Cross and Error since the ice was slippery. Dream couldn't use his wings because he wouldn't be able to get close enough to Nightmare.

The Meme Squad were having difficulty trying to get off the ice.

A while later, they all got the hang of it and now their all sliding across the ice, attacking each other.

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