Chapter 18

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It's midnight. Everybody is sleeping peacefully on their comfy beds.

"CAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!" Kevin the demonic chicken is screaming for everyone to wake up.

"Got Dammit Kevin, Shut Up! It's 12.00 in the f****ing morning!" They all screamed.

Somewhere in the writer's room...

KaitouPaint : Time to spice things up.

She typed a few things on the screen. A few minutes later, she was done.

KaitouPaint: Now let's see what they will do.


It was morning, another snowstorm. Dream woke up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. The moment he looked into the mirror, he screamed.

He stared at his arms, er- wings. His wings and arms disappeared and his arms were replaced with his yellow wings but the ends are black. It's like his body parts had just switch places. Not only that, he had a bird tail.

Then he heard more screams. He marched to Ink's room. He saw that Ink was just like him, wings instead or arms and a feather tail. The only difference is that his wings were black with white ends.

They were confused on what was happening. Then Blue came bursting into the room. He didn't have his arms nor wings. Instead, he has strings. His blue strings were his arms.

The three of them decided to discuss this matter in the living room. In the living room, they saw Nightmare, Cross and Error there already.

Nightmare has wings just like Ink and Dream. His wings are cyan that goes down to black.

Error was like Blue, he had strings as arms.

Cross is totally different. He doesn't have strings nor wings, he has black and white feathers.

"So, does anyone know what happened to us?" Dream asked.

"No clue," said Cross.

Then a text box appeared. It said:

Hello Dreamswap crew! So you might be wondering what had happened, well, you all turned into half animals! It will last for 24 hours. Good luck!

"Well that's just great!" Ink rolled his eye lights.

"Hey, what type of animals are we anyways?" Error asked.

"Let's check ourselves," Blue suggested.

First up was Dream.

Name: Dream

Type: Scarlet Tanager

"Welp, I thought I would be a canary or something," Dream said.

"Next!" Cross shouted.

Ink was the next one, he pressed his chest and his information came out.

Name: Ink

Type: Crow

"Okay," Ink nodded.

Blue pressed his chest and his information appeared.

Name: Blue

Type: Moon Jellyfish

"I do use strings so I guess it is fair that I'm a jellyfish," said Blue.

Error then showed his information.

Name: Error

Type: Moon Jellyfish

"Your's is the same as Blue's," Dream stated.

"Yeah, but I do use strings so that should make sense," said Error.

Next up is Cross. The JR and Meme Squad were curious what he is.

Name: Cross

Type: Feathered Starfish

"How am I a starfish?!" Cross said in disbelief.

"Well, you are dressed in black and white," said Dream.

"But aren't cows black and white too?" Ink muttered.

"... Okay I take it back, I'm happy being a starfish," Cross quickly replied.

Last one is Nightmare.

Name: Nightmare

Type: Splendid Sunbird

"How come his type gets a good name?!" Cross protested.

"I don't know," said Nightmare. "But I like it."

"Well, now we have to deal with no hands for 24 hours," Blue sighed.

"Hey, since you and Error are jellyfishes, and Cross is a starfish, doesn't that mean you three can breathe underwater?" Ink concluded.

"Oh yeah, and since you, Dream and Nightmare have wings, you can fly," said Blue.

"Well, I guess I am going for flying lessons," said Ink.

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