Chapter 3

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It was the afternoon. It was still snowing but not so heavily. Sadly there was three foot of snow on the ground. The Meme Squad was busily playing Fortnite.

Meanwhile with the JR, Blue was flirting with Dream again. Ink was watching and recording everything.

"Ink, get rid of Blue!" Dream ordered.

"Oh ok, so that means we 'don't need' his help to find the Meme Squad later," Ink rolled his eye lights.

"Ugh! Never mind!" Dream groaned.

Cross was dramatically crying because he lost to Nightmare again.

"How can I never win?!" Cross cried.

"Because you are a bad player," Nightmare smirked.

"One day I'll beat you," Cross frowned.

"We'll see..." Nightmare muttered.

Error, who was on the couch knitting, got up and went to prepare lunch for the others.

A few minutes later, Error came back with a frown plastered on his face.

"What's wrong Error?" Cross asked.

"We ran out of food..." Error murmured.

"Does that mean we have to go out?" Nightmare said, feeling worried.

"Yeah..." Error sighed.

"Hey, don't worry! The Justice Reign will never think about going out in a weather like this!" Cross grinned. "Dream would probably turn into a frozen chicken if he goes out!"

Error laugh and Nightmare giggled at Cross' joke. It really cheered them up, especially Nightmare. Cross was happy he was able to make him happy.


The meme squad were ready to go out. They were wearing there usual clothes, some mask and they casted a warming spell on all of them so their bones wouldn't freeze.

Before they went out, Nightmare had to lock Kevin up in a special room with some food and water so that Kevin wouldn't go escaping to find them. Cross and Error were happy the chicken was being locked up.

They all went to the mall and split up to buy items needed to survive the whole snowstorm, or at least survive the a few months inside.

"We'll meet up back at the Game Store, got it?" Error asked the others.

"Mhm!" the other two agreed.

Cross immediately went to the Sweets Shop to buy chocolate. Error went to buy groceries and knitting items. Nightmare went to buy some entertainment like board games and video games.

The mall was very empty as nobody dared to go out. When Cross was looking for his favorite chocolate, Triple Deluxe Cocoa Chocolate, he saw something or someone, that made his eye sockets widened.

It was Blue! He was looking at the chocolate-covered Blueberries.

Cross quickly paid for his items and went to find the others and luckily, he wasn't noticed by Blue.

He was able to find Error at the knitting store, he was carrying a large bag full of knitting items and food. Cross warned Error that Blue was at the mall and about what he thought. They both were anxious. If Blue was there that means Dream and Ink might be at the mall too.

They went to find Nightmare. Suddenly, Nightmare came running towards them, panicking. He screamed, "DREAM AND INK ARE AFTER ME NOW!!!!!"

Cross and Error didn't need to be told twice. They all screamed, "RUN!!!"

During The SnowstormWhere stories live. Discover now