Chapter 4- Family Time.

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This was awkward.

And as proven, it could be clear that Brynn did not bode well in awkward social situations. At all.

Everyone was there, even Zayne. They were eating chicken, potato and broccoli pie, although Brynn still wasn't hungry. People really ate together like this? Eat this many times in a day?

Not wanting to disappoint Brayden though, she ate the small bites on the end of her fork.

She was sat in between Zach and Ezra with Callan, Zaiden and Silas on the other side of the dining table; Brayden and Zayne sat on either end.

As she was playing around with a piece of chicken, Ezra nudged her. For a second, she thought he was about to stab her with his fork, but he didn't.

"Don't play with your food. Eat," he ordered strictly not taking his eyes off his own plate.

Mustering up the slither of courage she had, she mumbled, "'m finished." She regretted saying anything because he narrowed his eyes at her. "I said-"

"Just a few more bites for us, hun, please," Callan subtly commanded in a gentle tone.

"I'm full," she replied in the most confident tone she could gain. "I don't have a big appetite, it's fine."

"It is not fine, nor is it healthy," Zayne interrupted, "and it will be changing, okay Brynn?" She was pretty sure the whole table had stopped eating and now all the attention was drawn to her.

She ground her teeth, annoyed that they didn't understand how she wasn't used to all this. Just two days ago she was told to stop eating so much and now she's ordered to have three meals a day. It's a lot.

"Leave her alone, Z, it's a big change for her moving in with seven older brothers, she's bound to be nervous," Zach cut in, reasoning.

"Well it's not like she wasn't aware she had brothers," Silas muttered moving his food around his plate.

Brynn lifted her head properly, "I didn't know."

All heads turned to her as her brothers stopped all their movements. Silas looked up properly, "what?"

"You didn't know about us?" Zach also questioned.

Brynn shook her head, "no." She asked herself why she didn't know she had brothers. Surely her mother had a good explanation for not telling her? Right? Did Milo know about them?

"That can't be right," Callan insisted across the table. Ezra looked at Brynn and then up at Zayne, gritting out, "I thought you told them-"

Zayne lifted his left hand up, silencing them with his eyes focused on Brynn.

"Your mother never mentioned us?"

Brynn shook her head, not sure if she should have said anything. "No."

She looked around the table at all her brothers, whom looked to all be giving Zayne certain looks. Zayne's eyes stayed on Brynn, narrowed and seemingly in thought.

"I'm sorry, was she supposed to?" she asked because she definitely shouldn't have spoken.

"Don't apologise, sweetheart. It's not your fault," Brayden spoke form his place, then looked opposite to Zayne, "we're just shocked." It felt like it was her fault.

"Fucking hell..." Ezra muttered.

"Watch your language, Ezra," Zayne warned, his attention no longer on Brynn who inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, there's a little girl at the table," Callan warned as well.

Little girl? "I've heard much worse," she pointed out.

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