Chapter 28- Pretty, Pretty and Who?

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"We're what?"

"Going to the town centre," Brayden answered from the driver's seat.


"Because we're getting new suits fitted and Callan's taking Brynn to Gavin's."

Brynn looked away from the car window at the mention of her name. She was in the middle seat of the back, next to her Zach and Silas. Ezra sat in the passenger seat on his phone and Brayden was driving. She wasn't exactly told where they were going, but she was made to eat breakfast fast on this Sunday morning and get ready to go out by ten so you could say she was half-asleep and half- not paying attention to her surroundings.

On the way out of the garage, she also saw Zayne, Zaiden and Callan getting into one of Zayne's cars too so that meant it was going to be a family-fun outing. And she still didn't know what they were doing.

"Why, again?" Silas wouldn't stop questioning him for the majority of the ride.

Brayden sounded like he was getting agitated, "you know exactly why, Silas. It's Callan's birthday on Friday so we're going to his favourite restaurant."

"Yes I am aware. And we need suits for that, why?"

"Because it's an upclass restaurant and you're going to look your best for your older brother, that's why."

Brynn leant back into her seat, it was Callan's birthday on Friday? What was she going to get him? She had no money to get him anything. What was she going to do? This was Callan, he deserved the most amazingest present out there. What should she do?

"Why can't we just take him to a Nando's or something?"

"Ha ha. Do you want to walk the rest of the way, Silas?"

Silas was silent as he slumped back into his seat and looked to his right out the window; the car actually remained in silence for the rest of the drive there until Brayden parked in a large car park in front of- what looked to be- an outside town centre. 

Brayden stopped the car and got out, as did Ezra, Silas and Zach and then Brynn after Zach, who shut the door after she was out. He placed his left hand on her front and pushed her back slightly when Zayne's car turned to park in the place next to them. 

Silas and Brayden walked around the car to face them, as the three, Zayne, Zaiden and Callan got out. Brynn- herself- had a new view on Callan currently. It was his birthday soon. What could she do for him?

Callan, Zayne and Zaiden stood in front of Zayne's car too so they were all facing each other. Brynn's breath momentarily hitched, she'd forgotten what it was like to be in the presence of all of them at the same time so close. 

Zayne and Callan were in work suits, but the rest of them were in jeans and a plain shirt with a jacket apart from Ezra, who chose to wear joggers and a plain shirt with a jacket. Brynn didn't have much time to think about what she wanted to wear. The second she finished breakfast she was in her wardrobe, pressuring herself to find something fast. Judging by the darkening clouds she saw through her shutters, she had to be warm which resulted in being in dark grey baggy jeans with a white long-sleeved shirt tucked in and a larger white jumper over that. She felt big though because she was also made to wear a black coat over it. Yes, she was warm, but she felt huge.

The girl was brought out of playing with the rim of the coat by Zayne. "Brynn, you stay with Callan." Brynn nodded, "okay."

Callan smiled opposite, walking forwards to place a hand on her left shoulder and guide her towards the town centre. People stared and people avoided as Callan navigated his way around until they made it to a large shop which was white all around. The front of the shop, on each of the glass windows, read in cursive black writing "Gavin's".

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