Chapter 25- Pool Day.

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Brynn walked back into the living room, glass still in hand. The newspapers and magazines were now nowhere to be seen, Aubrey and Penny having previously shoved them into the bin next to the couch.

She placed her half-empty glass on the side table and sat back down with them. "It doesn't bother me guys." Lie.

"It'd be fine if it did, Brynn," Aubrey pointed out, "honestly some people can be so nosy."

"Didn't you just ask me what it was like living with my brothers?"

"That's different."

"Hmm," Brynn held back a grin. Her first sleepover was going well. Actually really well, which she did not expect at all.

And for the rest of the night, she managed to get her anxiety levels down, only to have them rocket up again when she was about to fall asleep.

What if she did something to embarrass herself in her sleep? Like have a nightmare or sleep talk.

She was in the middle of the two mattresses, dozing off to the Harry Potter they were watching. The second she started dozing, her anxiety spiked and she was wide awake, thinking about all the things she could possibly do to avoid any uncomfortable situations.

She could stay awake all night. Or she could shove a pillow on her face so nobody would hear her. There were so many options.

"If you hear any growling in the night, don't panic it's just Aubrey snoring," Penny sleepily informed into her pillow to Brynn. She was on Brynn's left, about two feet away trying to stay awake to finish the movie.

"And if you smell anything funky, it's just Penny's morning breath," Aubrey retorted on the other side of Brynn just as sleepy; it was past one am after all.

Brynn snorted into her pillow, smiling slightly. Penny tried to kick Aubrey's shin but ended up kicking Brynn's instead. Brynn didn't really feel it under the soft covers but nonetheless said, "ow," simply.

"Damn sorry, was aiming for Aubrey."

"I presumed."

"Well, I bet you feel pretty stupid right now, don't you Pen?"

"Shut up."

Most of that entire conversation wouldn't have been audible to a spectator, only to the three girls speaking. Mainly because their faces were pushed into their pillows and the majority of their words were drowsy mumbles.

They were the final words of the night. After they were spoken, the girls rather quickly fell into deep sleeps.

And Brynn didn't wake up once during the night. Only in the morning, where she woke in a rather awkward position.

She lay on her mattress only slightly on her side, leaning more to Penny's side. Penny was upside down on her bed, facing the wrong way with her sock covered feet on the top of Brynn's head, tangled a bit in her hair.

Aubrey, herself, was in a similar position to Brynn. Sideways on her mattress but her head lay on Brynn's stomach and her hands were gripping Brynn's loose leggings by the knees in a vice grip.

The latter chuckled and tried to shimmy her grip from her pants off before she pulled them down by accident. She ended up shuffling too much because Penny got agitated and pushed her foot into Brynn's face. "Hush."

Brynn grimaced and spun her face away, "gross, get it away."

Penny smirked and moved herself further down to push her foot into Brynn's face again. "What, this?"

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