Chapter 24- New Books and New News.

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Brynn couldn't sleep.

Not with this horrible feeling in her stomach. Like a massive, bottomless pit filled to the brim with everything she had to worry about at this point in time.

She had upset her brothers so they were mad at her, she had to go to school tomorrow, she once lived with Milo, she didn't have anything to distract her from her thoughts, she felt like she had to throw up because of the anxiety in her stomach and- oh my god she was going to be a legal adult in literally six years. She didn't know how to pay bills-

Brynn sighed frustrated and turned to lie on her back, rubbing her tired eyes aggressively. Her vision blurred a little until they refocused on the dimly lit ceiling, only illuminated by the fairy lights on her bed.

After lying on her back for a good four seconds, she concluded that she wasn't falling asleep this way. Neither would she on her sides. The only comfy way was on her stomach with her two arms pushed under the pillows cool fabric.

Maybe if she lay into the mattress harder, her anxieties would be pushed all the way back until she couldn't feel them anymore.

When she woke the next morning, she had two seconds of calm until last night came crashing back down on her. The familiar anxiety flared up and she felt like she could throw up.

She had no idea what time it was, but the light coming through her curtains gave away a light-dark blue colour and she hadn't been woke up by anyone, so she presumed it was early.

Dropping her head into her fluffed up pillow, she shut her eyes once more mentally preparing for the most likely uncomfortable day ahead, maybe even week.

She was correct to mentally prepare. The week was rather emotionally challenging for her.

She didn't really speak to her brothers, at all. Nor did they speak to her or eachother. It was especially awkward when they ate at the table together. Not even a smile, she didn't like it.

And anytime they looked like they wanted to say something, nothing would actually be said. If anything, it emphasised the silence more.

True to his word, Zayne left Brynn's phone on her desk every morning, but when she came home from school she was expected to bring it to his office.

The lack of phone didn't give her much to do, except homework and thinking about things. She had, however, managed to finish the entire David Walliams' section in the library. Free time with nothing to do had that impact on her.

The only time interaction occurred was on Friday night, five days after the incident between the siblings happened.

Brynn had gotten home, dropped her phone off on Zayne's desk and finished her homework at the kitchen island. Currently, she still sat at the kitchen island with her closed English book in front of her, gently tracing over her name on the front with her chin on her left fist.

She just lifted her finger off the V to go to the E when she heard steps entering the kitchen. The girl tensed, trying to ready herself for an awkward silence.

However, the footsteps continued to get closer until they came right behind her, then past her and around the island. Brynn looked up, seeing Zayne in his dark, navy blue suit.

Zayne stood, looking at her with narrowed-curious eyes, with his hands joined behind his back. Brynn sat completely upright, latching her hands together on her English book.

Brynn counted sixteen seconds before movement was made by her oldest brother.

The man unclasped his hands and used his left one to hold the left side of his blazer open, whilst his right one reached into the inside pocket. His blazer was just like her school one, cool, she thought.

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