Chapter 35- Accessories and Therapies.

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Brynn groaned, scrunching her already closed eyes shut. Her face was smushed into a pillow, morning breath hitting her dead on as she went to close her mouth, cringing at the bitter taste.

She opened her eyes slowly, blinking the sleepiness out a few times. Her eyes caught her right hand laying limply on the pillow beside her head, the long-sleeved school shirt she wore becoming noticeable as the fact that she was still in her entire school uniform, minus the blazer, became evident.

She breathed out, shuffling around a bit and noticing that her bed sheets felt a little different. Lifting herself up a little, she looked downwards to see a fluffy, black towel underneath her instead of the usual white sheets.

And then she remembered yesterday.

She sat up on her knees suddenly, the duvet slipping off her shoulders, and flinched at a voice. "Morning."

The girl turned around to the voice on her right, her behind falling off the feet they were sat on and making contact with the towel.

Zayne sat on her desk chair, flicking through her English book.

Brynn's posture straightened up and she pulled the duvet over her lap to play with, "oh, hi."

Zayne's eyes flickered from the final pages of the book, to Brynn, then to the book before he closed it and placed it back on the desk gently

His eyes trailed back to Brynn, who shifted uncomfortably and fisted the duvet in her hands.

Zayne was still in his work clothes from yesterday, the only slightly different part about it was the crease in his blazer on the upper left shoulder. Where Brynn laid her head. Which she is now only just really taking in.

She wanted to physically fold in on herself because that happened. And this is where Zayne tells her she is never to do that again.

And that would affect her. Not that she wanted to do it again, or maybe she actually did, or maybe it was one of the only places that felt properly safe to her.

Either way, she wished to avoid this talk.

"How did you sleep?" Zayne asked, at the usual montonal pitch he always radiated.

Brynn nodded, simultaneously blinking some more sleep away and answering rather fast. "Fine, yeah, alright, thank you."

Zayne hummed, waiting sixteen seconds before he stood up. He picked the chair up from the back and placed it back in its original position, then letting go. He watched Brynn with plain eyes, as Brynn watched him, or more specifically his hand as it made its way back to the back of the chair and straightening it so it perfectly aligned with the front of the desk.

The man cleared his throat, bringing Brynn's attention back to his face.

"I will be going downstairs then," he announced, straightening the creases in his blazer from sitting down.

Brynn nodded and whispered, "okay," doing her best to not sidetrack her attention to the really interesting fabric of the duvet.

She was waiting for him to leave, to exit her bedroom, so she could lean back into the sheets and stay silent for a while. She wanted to be silent for a while, collect her thoughts or even close her eyes for a few minutes before the crippling lower abdomen pain came back.

Zayne made a slight movement, which Brynn assumed to be one of leaving. Almost immediately, she downcasted her eyes only to have to bring them up again when Zayne said, "and I'd like you to know that when you feel you are ready to talk to me, you will be welcome to at any moment."

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