Will Always Remember Her.. (Part 16)

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Hmmm.. what is this..? Why do I feel a presence has there arms wrapped around my waist? Am I trapped? Am I changed up by something? Am I back at Marine headquarters?!

Your eyes quickly shot open to see half of your bedroom. You slowly turn to look at the presence that has its arms wrapped gently around you. The first thing you see is his short Moss green hair, it was so silky and shiny that you wanted to feel it so badly.

You then began to mess with his hair twirling it with your fingers gently. "Oi I'm trying to sleep..",he mumbled pulling you into him tighter. This causes his face to go straight into your chest. Causing you to blush rapidly at his actions to which he stays in place blushing with a smile on his face.

"You baka..",you mumble cuddling with him, you start to become warmer which makes you happy that you are able to cuddle with something so warm. "You know we could've done this a longtime ago..",he mumbled looking up at you. "Yeah but..",you think about it and your thoughts roll to Kuina. The smile of yours fades when you think of your old time friend. "But...",Zoro asks hoping for an answer out of you.

"I thought.. I thought you liked kuina..",you end as a whisper hoping he didn't hear the last few words. "I..",Zoro answered hesitantly adding pressure to his lips. "I did.. I loved her more than anything.. But once she was gone I had to move on.. That's when I started to have feelings for you even when you were away.. I thought about you all the time non-stop.. I wanted you to be by my side just like I did with kuina.. I wanted to see you two battle after those years went by but.. She didn't make it..",Zoro said hugging you tighter with his grasp.

You stay quite holding in the tears that dare to fall, you wanted kuina alive more than anything just like Zoro. But one thing is that.. Would you and Zoro still be together if she was still alive? You asked yourself at that moment if it would still happen if she was still alive.

Would he still have feelings for kuina if she was still alive..? Would we have been together if she were still alive..? No.. Y/n stop.. If they ended up together you would've had to move on like kuina did..

You thought to yourself trying to make yourself feel better by telling yourself that you shouldn't think about stuff like that.

Y/n stop that is so selfish..

Zoro then gets on top of you causing you to flinch from his quick movements, this of which scares you a bit. "Y/n.. Let's go pray for kuina..",Zoro mumbled looking down causing his hair to cover his face. At this moment it shocked you, you have always known him for not believing any type of god. He never believed in prayers and always thought when things happen it's just natural.

"Y-yeah! I'll set up a little table.. I still have a photo of her in my bag..",you mumble trying to sit up but he stays in place. "Zoro what are you doing..?",you ask looking up at him. "Oh uh just wanted to..",he then gently grabs your face and pulls it closer to his face. He kisses you passionately causing you to flush, you kiss back as well and you both continue for awhile until you started to run out of breath and pant. "A-alright let's go do Kuina's prayers!",you exclaim in embarrassment. You push him out of the way and start to head outside, Zoro also gets off the bed and follows you outside.

You could tell he was smirking while following you out onto deck. You went to the storage room to find the foldable table you had gotten with the ship. After finding it you spotted Zoro in the kitchen while walking past it. You walk a couple steps backwards to get a closer look at him to see what he is doing.

He had apples in his hand..

"Zoro? I thought you were gonna help me set up kuina's table? Not eat..",you pout staring at him. "Uh.. No this is actually for kuina.. Don't people put some type of offering when they prey..?",Zoro asks awkwardly holding five apples. "Oh! Wow! You know more than I thought",you chuckled walking into the kitchen to stand next to him. "Gee thanks..",he said while looking for a plate to put them on. "Why don't you use this..",you gave him a mini cake holder. (Idk what they are called but they are taller than a regular plate)

"Oh alright",he took it from you and you both started to head to an extra room you got with the ship. "Alright! We shall declare this as Kuina's room",you say setting up the table. "Yeah..",Zoro said watching you set up the table. You go to one of the drawers and grab a red cloth to cover the table. "While I go grab her picture and some cookies why don't you set up the apples",you say turning to look at him. He looks at you and nods. "Alright!",you walk past him to your old room to grab Kuina's picture from your bag.

You also had some cookies to add as a gift or an offering. Once grabbing those two objects you started to head back but hear a crash come from the room. "What the hell?!",you ran back into the room to find Zoro holding something large. "Zoro what happened and what is that?!",you ask staring at him. "Help me women!",he exclaimed while holding the tall dresser at the same time. "Right!",you quickly grab the dresser and lay it back on the wall.

You turn to find Zoro examining the object he out of nowhere found.

"I think it's a...",


Word count~ 1036

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!
See you in the next one!

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