13| broken promises

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|valentine's day😖

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valentine's day😖

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glad you enjoyed our date baby🥰

yoongi brought me a puppy😖

it keeps pooping on the new carpet i want to take it back

happy valentine's day koo!

happy v day tutor😏


Jungkook giggled, Eunwoo moving forward and slipping a woollen hat over his fluffy hair, making sure to kiss his exposed forward before pulling the hat to cover any exposed skin.

"Are you ready to go?"

A nod from the younger had Eunwoo lacing his hand gently through Jungkook's fingers, tugging him gently out of the apartment.

Eunwoo promised to drop Jungkook off for his biology lesson, before making another promise of picking him up and taking him back to his own apartment.

The younger couldn't help the small pit in his stomach as he thought about being alone with Eunwoo for the whole night at his apartment.

It was different to Jungkook's, there was his own private floor with only one other neighbour whilst the younger was surrounded by various others, not to mention the thin plasterboard that attempts to block out any noise.

So, as his biology lesson ended, he felt his stomach swirl as he stood waiting for Eunwoo.

Only for the boy to never turn up.

bunny boy


koo baby

i'm sorry

an hour and a half i was stood out there for

looking like some dumb idiot waiting for someone who was never going to arrive

i got held up at work

you know what happens if i have to cover someone's shift

you can't say no

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