epilogue | emery

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it's here!! slight mature warning


the waves crashing on the lake and the waterside

right there i chose to love you till the day i died

- emery, s.carey


- seoul, south korea
2023; june, 10:32

"How long has it been since you delved into a slice of pie?" Jimin giggled, pushing the sweet treat across the table towards Jungkook, the younger shaking his head, but still grabbing a fork and complying with the forced eating Jimin was making him undertake. "Would you say too long?"


"I can't remember the last time pie passed my lips." He pouted innocently, before snatching the untouched slice away from Jungkook, the younger still holding his fork, poised and ready to cut into the delicious looking pastry. "Maybe two years ago?"

Jungkook sighed, staring at the oak table. "If this is a dig at me then just come right out and say it."

Jimin put his fork down, the metal clattering against the porcelain as he nodded, leaning back in the slightly uncomfortable cafe seats. "I just think you've started avoiding again."

"What is there to avoid?"

"The fact that you haven't visited Taehyung in over a year." Jimin scoffed. "He probably thinks you hate him."

"Just like Namjoon thinks you love him?" Jimin shot Jungkook a pointed look. "It works both ways hyung. You're just digging at me to avoid your own problems."

"And now you're just being snipey again. You should really control that attitude of yours, it's becoming quite nasty."

Jungkook shrugged him off, instead turning to look outside the window. People were commuting to and from work and school, living their lives. It was a strange concept to the younger, that every individual out there had their own lives, their own stories, their own soulmates.

"Namjoon and I are complicated." Jimin pursed his lips, making Jungkook turn back to meet his eyes. The subject of the pair was hardly ever discussed by either of them, so Jungkook felt slightly more honoured that the smaller was discussing it with him. "I think I love him yet he's in a happy relationship. I don't want to ruin that."

"Didn't you two promise each other that you would end up together?"

"Just like you and Taehyung promised to see each other after a year." Jimin grumbled, his hands finding the warm mug in front of him, taking a small sip, his face scrunching up at the bitter taste. "Namjoon isn't big on promises. I think he's made that perfectly clear. It's just strange how I've become the one wanting him. Maybe its karma."

Jungkook shook his head. "The only one who should be receiving any type of karma is me." Jimin nodded his head in agreement, wincing when the younger reached over and slapped his arm. "Are we really turning this into a self-pity party?"

"You started it. Just admit that you're avoiding Tae." Jimin pushed, resting his elbow on the table, his chin going to sit in his outstretched hand.

"I'm not avoiding him. I've just been busy. He can't expect me to just drop everything and go over to Japan." Jungkook sounded bitter. His voice like black coffee, as the other let out a soft sigh. He couldn't force Jungkook to talk, but he could annoy him to the point that he explodes. That was his original plan, but the way that Jungkook stared at the table had him reconsidering.

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