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"Draco who's that." The banging at the door became more loud and aggressive.

"Malfoy I know your in there!" A man behind the door bellowed, his tone was indulged in fury.

I immediately turned around to Draco, "who's that?" I propped myself up on my elbows so that I was more alert if anything were to happen.

"Remember when I told you me and jaxon used to sneak in here, well we actually got Banned." He hurried off the bed and began to get dressed, I quickly followed.

"Why did you-." He stopped me by taking a hold of my arms pinning them above my head to put my t-shirt on that he gave to me.

"Malfoy if you don't come out right now I will break this door down!" The Man outside shouted again, kicking the door this time.

Draco held up my joggers that he also gave to me, "here put these on quickly." I balanced my hands on his shoulders as I put them on, "we're going to have to go out the window." He asserted me, dragging me towards it.

"Your lucky this sounds fun!" I laughed, opening the window for him.

"I'll go down first so I can catch you." Draco insisted, as he started climbing out the building.

"I don't need catching."

"Okay well I'll be there if you fall then."

"Thats only if I do."

"Can you stop being difficult for once and just listen to me!"

"Alright sorry you can go first." I smiled at him, brushing my hands through his hair to calm him. It was evident that he was stressed.

I could hear the hinges of the door bursting out of the wall as the man kept trying to knock it down, "y/n hurry up and come down!" Draco yelled.

"Coming." I noticed an Emerald vine entangled in the bricks that Could help me get down faster. Luckily, the room me and Draco were in wasn't to far away from the ground meaning it wasn't to difficult.

I felt my waist being grabbed by Draco's hands pulling me into him to help me down, "good idea darling."

"Thank you, the window idea wasn't so bad." I giggled, kissing him on the forehead.

"You can't hide from me Malfoy!" The same drunk spoken man shouted again.

Draco's hand clasped on mine, yanking me behind a thick, leafy tree hiding us behind its foliage.

"I think there gone." The blonde breathed out, rubbing his hand up and down my arm warming me from the cold.

"Could you not just have apperated?" I cupped his face signalling to him that he could now relax.

He let out a sigh letting his head fall onto mine, "that would of been easier." He added a chuckle as he kissed my lips, forcing me further up against the tree.

"Today was good." I nuzzled my head onto his chest feeling his heartbeat, as I listened to his heart I started to feel dozy.

"Are you tired my love." Draco asked, hugging me closer into his arms. I nodded faintly, near to completely falling asleep in the warmth and security he brung to my body.


I noticed her tired eyes attempting to stay open, stay awake but she couldn't instead, she fell asleep on me cuddling up into my chest for comfort.

Standing there for a moment cherishing this peaceful moment with y/n, I stroked the top of her hair flagging that everything was now okay again. I watched intently at her soft breathing fanning on my chest and the way there was a little smile adorning her already beautiful face.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋| 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now