Chapter 9

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[Jennie's POV]

"My hands! Where are my hands?" I heard Eren screaming in agony while he was looking at his cut limbs. During the time that both Eren and Ymir were unconscious i saw Reiner and Berthold cutting their limbs without any hesitation. I tried to stop them but i was tighten up, i couldn't do anything rather than watching those cruel actions.

Some hours had past since our abduction and Reiner hadn't shared any words with neither me nor Berthold. As soon as Ymir had woken up, we stopped for a rest on the branches of a random tree. After that a discussion ensued between those three. As for me i was abandoned with Eren, tighen with ropes around my hand and my feet. Not only that but also they took away from me my maneuvering gear and the blades. I was left unarmed and helpless from a man that i had crush on for three years.

"Eren,calm down. We are in the same condition. Also Jennie over there is somehow unable to move like us." Ymir explained to him and beckoned her head to where i was sitting.

Suddenly we saw Eren who attempted to bite what has remained from his arm, hopping that he could somehow transform into his Titan.

"Eren there is no use" I glanced over him "We are at the forest of the Giant trees, far away from wall Rose. Not only that but also if you look down they are Titans waiting to devour us. Look at this one." I beckoned my head to where i was referring to. "It must be an abnormal Titan. It hasn't taken its eyes away from us the whole time. It's pointless, don't do anything stupid. Especially not now that your body is trying to cure itself" I warned him.

"Jennie is right Eren. Just stay where you are there is no point" Reiner jumped from the branch where he was standing with Berthold and landed near me. With a gentle move of his fingers he untied me and threw the ropes off the tree. "Sorry for tying you like this Jennie. But i had to make sure that you wouldn't escape or fall down as we were coming here".

Immediately after untying me, i stood up and punched him angrily in the face,interrupting him. "Shut up Reiner! I don't want to hear your voice! You killed my best friends! You killed so many people you sick bastard!" With tears in my eyes i raised my fist to punch him once again but he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"I am sorry Jennie! I am really sorry. I didn't intend to kill them!" We don't know if they are dead for sure ok? Please calm down" Reiner shouted back at me and looked me in the eyes.

"You don't know if they are dead for sure?" I heard Ymir asking ironically.

"So many people have died in that fight...if Navia is among them i am going to kill you Reiner." Eren raised his furious eyes towards Reiner. "I am sure that Mikasa and Armin are alright, i feel it. What's your point huh? What's your plan?"

"I will take you back to my homeland. Until then..we have to stay here until the nighttime. During the nighttime Titans are unable to move. That's our plan. You can do whatever you want Eren. Do you want to risk everything and jump off the tree?" Eren remained silenced and his eyes were wandering around, probably thinking of his next move.

"That's what i thought" Reiner chuckled as he placed his hand around my waist and using the maneuvering gear we jumped to the branch where he was earlier. "Berthold, watch those two. I want to speak with Jennie alone."

"Reiner why don't we just leave her back to the others? She is useless for us. And you know very well that we will have a problem with go back with her" Berthold pointed at me and raised my eyebrow to him.

"It would be my pleasure if you had left me back at the walls Berthold." I complained at him and as i was ready to walk towards Berthold, Reiner grabbed me by my arm and dragged me some meters away.

"Jennie...there is nothing i can do that could replace the sadness you feel inside. I know that you are angry but behind your eyes i can see your sorrow." He took a deep breath and let go of my hand.

"I trusted you Reiner...everyone did. Why did you and Berthold attacked the walls? You breached wall Maria and brought suffering and pain to everyone behind the walls." I wiped my tears but the pain and the sorrow inside of me were stronger than before.

"We are soldiers of a nation unknown to you. We were destined to make the attack in an attempt to save the world." Reiner touched his back at the tree, without his eyes leaving me.

"Unknown nation? Attempt to save the world? What are you talking about? Don't speak about something important so generally." I demanded him.

"That's all i can say for now Jennie. Believe me. I would like to tell you everything i know. Because if you knew what was going on and how many things are unknown to may change your mind." He huffed. "I know that you are mad at me. You have every right to be. You don't believe me now but i hope that someday in the near future you will trust me again. Amd that you will believe not only that i had to do what i did in order to protect something bigger but also that i really love you."

"You call that love?" I asked him and lowered my head so i could avoid his stare. "You are so mysterious. You abducted me, tighten me, killed my best friends and now what? You didn't even ask for forgiveness. All you do is throwing some general excuses on my face. How can you say that you love me when you have done so many hurtful things not only to me bu to everyone? You are a murderer!"

I noticed that Reiner started to look kind of weird. He looked mystified and confused as if he hadn't realized yet what damaged had he caused. "I-I am a soldier Jennie..." He grabbed his trembling hand, trying to calm himself down.

"What are you talking about Reiner?" Berthold, who probably had heard what we were talking about, whispered  worryingly. "You are a warrior, not a soldier. I am worried about you...why are you confusing reality with...with what you were pretending to be? Reiner, you are scaring me." Berthold rushed to his side amd grabbed him by his shoulders. "What are you now Reiner?"

"A warrior. Stop it, i am fine now" Reiner pushed Berthold's hands away from him. "Berthold did you speak with Ymir about Christa? It is crucial for our mission to take her with us" I saw Berthold nodded his head. "Jennie i-"

As Reiner was talking to me a familiar sound echoed through the sky. Turning my head to the right i saw green and red smokes in the sky. It was the survey corps. I let a sigh of relief go, as i was proudly watching the smokes.

"When did they catch up with us?" Reiner asked in disbelief. "Fuck...let's go back to the other two." Reiner grabbed me by my waist and using his maneuvering gear we landed next to Eren and Ymir.

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