Prt:5- Woried Dom

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Leo's Pov~

It's been hours since I started looking for Percy. Some of those cuts looked pretty bad... I really hope he is ok..

Though there was the weird sent thing.... I don't know what it was exactly... It smelled sweet.. What could have caused it... Wait... I'm supposed to be looking for my sub... Well, no subs have come up to me today... Percy ran away... Mabey my sub isn't here... Or maybe they don't wanna be my mate... Oh God, what do I do... My poor sub went through an early inheritance and now I can't find them... What if they don't even go to this school.. What if they live really far away... I also need to figure out what's wrong with Percy... Something clearly happened...

Here's your next chapter everyone. Hope you enjoyed it.. Also, I need a bit of help... I want to know how you think Leo should find out Percy is his mate. I have two ideas one Leo walks in on Percy being bullied and finds out after chasing the bully's away. Or he walks into a bathroom to find the sub hurting himself and finds out that way.s I can't choose so you're going to do it for me. Also I promise future chapters will be longer I just need to know how they will find each other first. Anyways have a good day, night, and evening. Bye💜

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