Prt:6- Take The Pain Away

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Trigger warrning: self harm

Percy's Pov~

Darting away I head to the only place I can think of.. The boiler room... Only the janeter and matanence come here... And I can hide if I need to..

There's now way he'll find me here.... Why did i have to be his mate... Squeezing the exposed flesh on my legs, tears rolled doen my face... Untill a small drop of blood made its way down my leg. Looking for the sorce of the crimson stream I found its oragens to be from my nails diging into my skin.. a small crescent shaped cut.... but this cut was differnet... It doesnt hurt like when gabe does it... Or the bullies.... It almost feels... good?... Mabey this isnt a bad thing... I can use it to make all thr pain go away... If i... do it my self... It wont hurt.... Smiling I began running my nail over my rist... Im going to need somthing sharper...

Surprise im still alive! Anyways hope you enjoyed this small chapter. I was going to make it longer but this seemed like a great place to end it! Hope you enjoyed have a good day, night, and evening. Bye💜

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